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Everything posted by chichigrande

  1. Katana eh? I like those, especially in GTA:VC!!!
  2. I like the fist. There's always a stick to beat someone with, now-a-days it's been replaced by a baseball bat.
  3. 3100. I'mm climbing oon the ppd chart. I used to be at 16 ppd and now I'm at 24.
  4. Your Welcome Randy, anytime you need me I'm here you.
  5. I also put 100 on Randy. All bets should be done in currency.
  6. Today might be the day the BlackOp, Randy, beats Tim's record for the all-time post count. Can he do it?
  7. What is you favorite firearm, sword, stick, etc. that has been aactually used in history.
  8. Han Solo would win, all he has to do is get Chubacca to attack Indiana Jones.
  9. As the title explains, this is the thread where you post your favorite book. The book can be a series or just an individual book. My favorite book would be the Hitchhiker's Guide Series.
  10. Well since I haven't mention what I do. I play baseball, basketball, and football. I also hangout with my friends and shoot some pool (billiards) from time to time.
  11. A= (-25 + 9x²) - (25 + 9x² - 30x) -30x - -50 -> -30x + 50 -> -30x = -50 -> x = 5/3 Did I do it right?
  12. I sya take as much time as it needs. Don't try to rush and then realize later that you messed something up.
  13. I like tp use the good ol' US units. They seem less confusing than everything else.
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