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Everything posted by chichigrande

  1. But I am GOD. You can deny it all you want, it's still the truth.
  2. Don't try to murder teh almighty GOD, again. It won't work.
  3. Bah to that. I leave to use the potty and you take the lead. Not fair.
  4. Sam is the official judge. Plus we have the computer.
  5. Nice new Sig. Sam. Me likes. Randy you have 12 minutes to catch up.
  6. You can't retake my victory it'd over midnight where Sam is living and he was the judge.
  7. Let it all be know that on March, 26 2004 Matt Rogers [chichigradne] has won the Post-a-Thon. Pary time: B-) (excuse the excessive smilies, but I think they are much needed)
  8. Good Job Randy!!! I'm almost there just give a couple of weeks and be there at the right I'm going, 19.8 ppd (almost at 20)
  9. I can type blindly, but it's not as fast nor as accurate.
  10. Wow!! Desmond that sucks. But $250 bucks out of Quizno's subs characters.
  11. Desmond you and your EBAY items. How do you find this stuff?
  12. Due to yesterday and today, I went from 16 ppd to 18.5 ppd. It's pretty cool.
  13. In school I do everything else just fine, I do the homework, tkae the notes, do the projects. But whenever I tkae a test I completely bomb it and end up bringing my grade down a lot. It makes me really mad because I know I can do better.
  14. My favorite place is Carlsbad, California; then camping at Lake Lopez; then Las Vegas.
  15. Ya, I know. But if this isn't I say tomorrow we work to break it.
  16. Today we got over 1000 posts (that's in a single day). And Black Op led the way with over 320, then King Tut, then myself. I was just wondering if this was a community record for posts in a day by a single member or by the community in general?
  17. Take some the money (hey I deserve some for doing the right thing) and take the rest and donate it to something. For the money I took I would put it towards college.
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