Let it all be know that on March, 26 2004 Matt Rogers [chichigradne] has won the Post-a-Thon. Pary time: B-) (excuse the excessive smilies, but I think they are much needed)
In school I do everything else just fine, I do the homework, tkae the notes, do the projects. But whenever I tkae a test I completely bomb it and end up bringing my grade down a lot. It makes me really mad because I know I can do better.
Today we got over 1000 posts (that's in a single day). And Black Op led the way with over 320, then King Tut, then myself. I was just wondering if this was a community record for posts in a day by a single member or by the community in general?
Take some the money (hey I deserve some for doing the right thing) and take the rest and donate it to something. For the money I took I would put it towards college.