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Everything posted by chichigrande

  1. You guys don't have to worship me in a thread, that's why we have a reputation system ( )
  2. I just passed King Tut [aka Desmond] on the Post Per Day list for 2nd place behind Randy!!
  3. Great Danes are cool dogs. They're not my favorite, but they are certainly on my list of "Pets I Might Someday Own".
  4. Wow!! Thanks guys!!!! Thanks a lot Uppy. I feel special.
  5. I like my cat the best. It is much quieter then my bird and makes less of a mess than my dogs.
  6. Hmm, I great dane. Those dogs are cool. What did you decide to name it?
  7. I like how the team is all composed of volenteers who just like to make games.
  8. In order to become a gaurdian you need to be active, respectful, and helpful. You need to be able to help other members and such.
  9. I have no work or school until this monday, so I am a very happy man.
  10. I had to choose Christmas, get the most time off from school and I get to see all of my family members that live for away. (@TheCobra1:you misspelled valintines so I edited that for you.)
  11. This is the thread where you can only post in pictures.
  12. In the General Chat we have tons of threads on TV and Movies. If we have a TV and Movie forum it would less clutter the General Chat. So I say go for it!
  13. Congrats man!!!! Train your dog to bark at your friends when they come over just as a joke.
  14. I'm going to church in the morning, then hanging out here til' around 3ish, and last I'm going to my stepdad"s for dinner.
  15. Out of all of those I had to vote Arby's for their roast beef snadwich. But you are missing In-N-out on your list.
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