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Posts posted by Grapjas

  1. 3 minutes ago, Alar1k said:

    slingers should still cost stone to stay realistic

    It's arguably not really realistic. They used stones they could find on the terrains and didnt need crafting. There were crafted clay bullets and metal bullets too, but stone was just picked up from the ground. 

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, chrstgtr said:

    Because it would result in a 2/3 chance that you see something worthless since is about the chance of seeing either women around a CC or an army that you are already fighting. As opposed to now when you get a 100% chance of seeing something useful that you won't intuitively know (i.e. traders and whatever they walk by which could be useful and isn't likely to where the fight is or the farmers). It should be given a buff because no one uses it now. But spending units to see a woman farming isn't a buff. 

    Seeing a trader isnt all that useful either tbh. Most people place their market at the back of the base / edge of the map and a decent player makes sure they walk it too. So you can already guess where those things are very likely to be and they are hard to defend because they get wiped in a blink of an eye and your military will likely be somewhere else to respond to it in time. EDIT: Besides, what happens if the player doesn't have traders? Gone metal?

    E.g. what you want to know:

    Why has the opponent suddenly stopped attacking even though he was aggressive? Probably will reposition to attack someone else or waiting for a regroup from another player. Those are situations where a bribe can be useful. So you then choose that player to bribe for 50 metal. You get displayed X number of units for X amount of time, i liked @wowgetoffyourcellphone possibility that you can get crappy info. Too bad. Next bribe will cost you X more than usual. I could see some people use that, even though others won't. Maybe bribe should be something very short. 3-5s you see all selected player units before they return to FOW.

    1 hour ago, hyperion said:

    The issue with the current setup is, it's much cheaper and more reliable to just send a horse into the enemy base.

    The advantage of being able to bribe any unit to share vision is mostly if your opponent plays hide and seek with his last one or two units.

    Right now yes , but even then i dont think it gets used. It's exactly why a rework is suggested to make it more interestingly.

    • Like 2
  3. Maybe instead of only 1 person that gets bribed it should randomly bribe a handful of people, like 5 or maybe even 10 at once for 15s. Along with the escalating metal costs for each bribe or a hard game limit to make sure it doesnt get to spammy in case someone has good metal income from traders. 

    • Like 3
  4. 39 minutes ago, Palaxin said:

    If you talk about my badge

    Nah not at all, alot of work can be done by even one person and there are numerous examples of this right here on this forum by many modders, i was simply generally speaking and not meant offensive. However i do understand that what i'm proposing involves alot more work then slapping a simple buff on something. Being ambitious isnt bad though, and often overthinking things (adding all the negatives) can make sure progress will barely get made. 

    As for some unique unit: Something like an engineer for rome could be interesting. Or maybe unlocking a tech that lets units build roads that increases walking speed of units for faster military mobilization. There is likely much more to be found for each civ that could be added when digging a little deeper but i guess you get the point. 

    56 minutes ago, Palaxin said:

    the proposed technologies could be provided in a matter of hours...

    Don't really think you have to have something ready in hours as A25 as far as i know is not around the corner tbh (but i understand there are more tasks). Besides, civ uniqueness has become a hot topic, adding a unique unit/tech could do well. But honestly it's not just a matter of whether it's possible, it's also about willingness to work on it. 

  5. 49 minutes ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    I feel like the game could use more event notifications. Possible options:


    "Enemy sighted!" includes a minimap flare

    "{playerName} has started building a Wonder."

    "{playerName} has finished building a Wonder!"


    Any other possibilities? 

    "Metal/Stone Mine has been depleted!"

    "Hero_Name has arrived on the battlefield!"

    "Our nation's Hero has died!"

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, Palaxin said:

    The most iconic units are already in the game. E.g. it would be stupid to have Spartan hoplites only with a wonder, but there is (and should) not a better unit for Spartans than hoplites. Furthermore, new special units for each civ would need much more balance tweaking. My point was that depending on the special circumstance you are in game, you may not even profit much of a new special unit if it doesn't fit your situation and playstyle...

    With a unique unit i actually meant a new unit. Just because it's unique doesnt mean it has to be strong though in terms of attack/defense. I think there can be quite a number of unique units still be added to the game if you're not looking purely for military units. In fact, utility units is exactly what this game kind of lacks. Just an opinion though.

    However, avoiding adding units because you have to do more balance work sounds like dodging work to me :P

    • Haha 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, Palaxin said:

    I like the idea of more special technologies, but not of tying them to the wonder. Make them available in city phase and give the wonder a boost (better: a few choices) that will benefit you no matter what your situation is. Finishing the wonder should mean something like 75% winning chance when before it was 50%.

    Personally don't see the issue tying a unique unit/tech to a wonder even with the reason you stated. I would be much more willing to build a wonder for a special unit instead of some boring +xx% bonus :P

  8. Don't wanna hijack the other post from @wowgetoffyourcellphone but it got the ball rolling. so decided to make a seperate thread instead.

    My suggestion something along the lines of:


    • Make Espionage exclusive to village phase but reduce the cost.
    • Expand vision to support units of the player you selected to bribe.


    • Make the amount of times you can Espionage limited to something like 3 times a game.
    • Expand vision to buildings of the player you selected to bribe.
    • Make it have a timer till the vision goes away again <- currently cant be modded, it would require some work on the C++ side of the engine. 
    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, Yekaterina said:

    Bribing is a good feature, but I would really appreciate it if you allow the production of enemy units. Sometimes a Persian player would really need a catapult and a Macedonian player really needs an elephant while Romans really want archers. 

    This is consistent with the historical fact to recruiting mercenaries. 

    What do you guys think?

    I think it's going off topic,

    One more thing though :P

    3 minutes ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    No, bribing only affects Traders, currently.

    I fully agree then that it needs to expand. Wouldn't mind if bribing lasts for 1 minute, but you can see everything from the selected player (except training/tech queues though).

  10. 1 minute ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    Honestly, Bribing units should be extended to all Support units, not just Traders. Bribing only traders seemed useless or not cost effective to me. Very limiting. There's better ways of limiting bribes, for instance maybe only 3 bribes can be active at any time.

    Hmm i understand that tech a little different (never used it though). I think it is across all units but the historical explanation is intel came from traders. Not sure though.

  11. 2 minutes ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    A universal notification could work too:

    "{playerName} has started building a Wonder!"

    "{playerName} has finished building a Wonder!"

    Sounds like something you would only be able to see if you have bribed enemy units, maybe players will actually start bribing units then, lol. 

    EDIT: For clarification, i mean the Espionage tech from CC

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  12. 6 minutes ago, Palaxin said:

    What about instead of the population bonus, wonders allow you to research one of three (cf. heroes) possible endgame technologies that are designed to end a close match:

    • economic boost: 1500 food, 1000 metal, 500 wood
      for women: +50% carry capacity and gather rate, +25% construction/repair/walking speed
      for citizen soldiers: +25% carry capacity and gather rate
    • defensive boost: 1500 stone, 1000 wood, 500 metal
      for buildings: +25% HP, capture points and capture regen rate, +5 HP/s regeneration
      for units: +25% HP, +1 HP/s regeneration
    • offensive boost: 1500 metal, 1000 food, 500 wood
      for units (including siege engines, ships): +30% attack and +15% speed

    I like the idea of multiple one time choice but not the stats. +xx att speed type boosts are a little overused at this point imo. Something like produce champs faster or unlock a new special unit/building would be more interesting.

    • Like 2
  13. 8 hours ago, azayrahmad said:

    I'm especially interested in the wounded state feature, definitely want to adapt this to my mod :) . Is it possible to make injured units stance to Flee? I think it could make for a realistic unit behavior.

    Shouldn't be hard to implement, look for the Health~grapejuice component in my mod. I've tagged the code used for the mod with a comment. You would need to place your code inside that if statement ;)

  14. There was a buggy icon in regards of the above update that i needed to patch, which was actually caused by the compiler for some reason. Replacing the icon with the raw version instead of cached fixed it. Updated download links once again. 

  15. Massive update!

    Video covering most things:


    • * Added  most official WildFireGames skirmish maps to the mod, to be played with player position randomnization (and everything else in this mod). 
    • Arrows, slinger & ballista stones, and bolts now have a (slight) trail.
    • Redone flaming arrow/javs and siege particles (it was a fire trail, now it's more fireball with a smoke trail).
    • New building: Field Camps. Available for all civs. They can only be build inside neutral and enemy territory (max 3). Max 10 (12 for some civs) can be garrisoned. Units will slowly heal while garrisoned and the heal can be boosted by garrisoning priests/doctors/surgeons and even more with the new added tech "Quick Thinking". The camp/tent can be destroyed easily even be a decent army of regular units, but cannot be captured.
    • Reworked priests. They can now build (and also help build, with reduced effectiveness) the new Field Camps and can now attack, with weak power. They can no longer heal units on the battlefield, they instead now boost healing done in field camps. Limit = 6.
    • Units now enter a wounded state when their health drops below a treshold. They will receive a movement and attack speed penalty while in this state. Units in this state will receive a bandage icon on them.
      (Originally @wraitii' s idea :) )
    • Some general changes to units: 
      • All units move a little faster.
      • Slingers, Javelineers became slightly more accurate, archers slightly less accurate.
      • Slingers received slightly more attack speed and damage. 
      • Ranged champions and heros now have the same attack speed and accuracy.
    • Archers including hero's and champions:
      • Attack damage is increased but they now shoot much slower, are less accurate, and take longer to aim.
        (Logic: Some bows require considerable amount of power to draw, especially longbows)
      • Ranged archer cavalry (incl hero & champ) now have less range, accuracy and attack power compared to ranged infantry 
         archers but higher attack speed.
        (Logic: Cavalry archers actually used lighter bows than infantry)
      • Champion and hero archers aim/attack faster and have more damage (like usual but tweaked the numbers).
        Hero archers have the same aim/attack speed as champions but much more health (unmodded) and damage (tweaked). 


    * A few skirmish maps are not included for randomnization for this mod for various reasons with them mainly being:

    1. The map is more a scenario type of map (extra units/structures).
    2. There is not much point in randomnization if the starting positions are or nearly are identical (or symmetrical),
      and would otherwise need slight modifications for the mod. 

    Look for the maps with my mod logo on them, they are the ones that work with randomnization. 

    Updated original post download links and very soon after this post it will be updated on mod.io and also ingame->mod selection.

    Ty all on IRC dev chat for answering questions :D

    • Like 4
  16. 4 hours ago, BreakfastBurrito_007 said:

    This is what I believe to be causing the endless 4v4s we have seen so much recently.

    One solution to this is adding a new gamemode (which im planning to add in my mod sometime) something in the form of "body count". E.G. the first team that reaches 1000 kills has won the game, with maybe a little banner up top in the ui showing the current collective kill count.  

    Obviously you should be able to set the kill limit at the gamesetup screen.

  17. 2 hours ago, badosu said:

    It seems to me we should have more well-defined roles for javelins and slingers given the results? At closer range I'd expect for javelins to be way more effective, basically as skirmishers they should be more suitable for close combat (perhaps more effective at supporting infantry?). As for slingers, what role they could even have?

    I kind of both agree and disagree. Skirmishers in their current armor will absolutely get obliterated by a volley of arrows (yes even with the little shields they have), from a logical sense i guess. However i think they are really good at being offensive once you throw a couple of melee units in the mix. 

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