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Posts posted by Imarok

  1. On 5/10/2018 at 12:12 PM, GunChleoc said:

    I know dynamic layout is hard... text might have a vertical scrollbar too, to keep the rest of the layout where it is? Scrollbars should be the easiest solution here I think. Definitely for A24, I expect that you have more important bugs to fix.

    Vertical text scrollbar is no problem, we should add that for the civ text.

    Horizontal scrollbars and scrollbars for a "container" that contains multiple GUI-Elements are not implemented.

    • Like 2
  2. 5 hours ago, aeonios said:

    Alright, I reduced the blur scaling to 1.0. Any less than that would defeat the purpose, but 1.0 seems to work fine as far as I can tell. As they say, the perfect is the enemy of the good.

    Mapgen turned out to be somewhat more involved than I expected, but nonetheless I've gotten some excellent results. I was intending to work on ardennes forest but ended up modifying the alpine valley generator to produce maps in the style of the handcrafted version. I needed the mountain range generator for ardennes anyway and it ended up producing some really stunning maps with really interesting divisions of space.


    That looks nice. The old alpine valley was one of the ugliest maps we have...

    • Like 2
  3. 10 minutes ago, elexis said:

    Perhaps we should decide on the name rather later than sooner, so that we could pick one that fits to the implemented features of the release.

    Aren't we always doing it that way?

    Collecting suggestions should be started as early as possible, as this means more suggestions.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Palaiologos said:

    When building, per instructions, it says "cd ../../.." after "make pyrogenesis -j3". Am I to substitute certain words in place of the '..' ?

    As you already built with sudo some time ago, we need to rule out the possibility you did it again ;)

  5. 1 hour ago, ffffffff said:

    i had to do also (after install)

    sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/libsodium.so.18.4.0 /usr/local/lib/libsodium.so.23


    sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/libsodium.so /usr/local/lib/libsodium.so.23

    but then from 0ad source folder

    LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib/" binaries/system/pyrogenesis


    u can also go to 0ad ppa and download libsodium from within the next few days when a23 released ricotz is going to upload correct sodium package to ppa for ubuntus

    Afaik all that is NOT needed if you have installed libsodium only manually and don't have any other version around.

  6. 19 minutes ago, Imperator Ferrum Princeps I said:

    I personally enjoy turtling against an overwhelming enemy oftentimes because of the epic last stand kind of feel, but I am starting to think that turtling is kind of OP in most situations (aka when you are getting attacked by a normal army, not 100 very hard ais). I think what makes it so OP is that it is practically impossible to capture town centers unless you have a monstrous amount of soldiers if there are soldiers garrisoned in there. Which means that if you get everyone to hide inside of the town center, then your enemy's push going to be defeated unless they either have a laggily big army or siege engines (which might get killed by the arrows before they can unpack), good luck getting any capture points on a town center with units in it to regenerate capture points really fast and shoot arrows everywhere killing your units before they can even get close to capturing it. This may be because I do not use a lot of siege engines, but even then the above example is *without walls*. I suggest some kind of better siege mechanic, where the player can turtle but their units could get starved out like in real ancient sieges. A way to fix this could be adding in where units consume food (which I think would be good for much more then fixing this, as it just makes sense and means you need to have good farming infrastructure to keep your army fed), and do like delenda est does where farms can be constructed outside of your city borders with a debuff to gathering from them if they are built inside.

    When using rams or catapults, CCs or walls are no problem.

    • Like 3
  7. 27 minutes ago, Sundiata said:

    Send them a mail:

    "So, we noticed Empires Apart falling apart. A real pity, but not to worry. Just come on over to wildfiregames and apply your skills to 0AD instead. Help give birth to the real dream-RTS that Empires Apart wanted to be. Also, forget about money. Or fame. Or crappy textures."  

    Just do so ;) (But I would leave out the part with fame, as that is maybe not totally true)

  8. On 5/10/2018 at 3:05 PM, silverpathic said:

    Not exactly if it's been asked before (I did do a few searches with 0 returns) how hard would it be to program siege weapons to "attack ground" and roll a random number to inflict random damage to troops near the bombardment? 

    Easier to just use siege as defense as it would be for attack. 

    I guess adding some code in unitai (maybe also in attack component) Command helper and the Session gui, so probably not that hard...

    (Disclaimer: I have not much experience with simulation)

    • Like 1
  9. 6 hours ago, Servo said:

    While waiting for A23 to come out I got hooked on MP games. It’s quite fun playing with fun playing people but in the end spamming of units is the only strategy. From P1 until P3 the activity is the same just gather, build (as many structures as you can) and spam units. Then in a few minutes the game is over because either you are rolling over the opponent or the other way around. 

    There are so many things suggested already like one Barca is suggesting (I suggested to do something on spamming too like RoN) but I think they want to stick to AoE or AoK thing. Some even say oh limiting on anything is not possible. With these unique ranged units firing unlimited amount of projectiles and easily spamming it with infinite number of structures producing units I won’t wonder anymore on my previous game when Chrstgr was rolling over me/us with an average of 100 skirmisher and a couple of rams. 

    As Nescio said it’s nice that melee battle should be the main battle. The range units role are just not real. 


    It's not, that the team doesn't want any change, but there is nobody doing big gameplay changes and there are 100 different opinions how it should be done

  10. 16 minutes ago, Palaiologos said:

    Is this an expression in coding?

    No, that is the white Gaussian noise  @ffffffff  sometimes emits.

    I think you need to do make clean and cleanworkspace with sudo and after that updateworkspace and make without sudo.

    (Already heard 10,000 days? ;P)

  11. 9 hours ago, ffffffff said:

    first u dont need sudo to make,

    only when make install,

    so make without sudo

    and then sudo make install


    LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib/"  make means it must stand before make as it setting an environmental variable for make.

    He doesn't need any inlude paths, as compiling works now.

    @Palaiologos have you done update-workspace before? (Without sudo)

  12. 1 hour ago, ffffffff said:

    maybe need after sudo make install

    LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib/" binaries/system/pyrogenesis&

    to start

    just mentioning

    was my god case

    Yeah, that could do the same as my suggestion. (Assuming it does what it looks like...)

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