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Everything posted by fatherbushido

  1. (I don't say that's a bad list, those animals could be added, I basically like your inputs).
  2. There wasn't any specific target. ---- Back to the original topic, for https://github.com/JustusAvramenko/delenda_est/commit/d2c5c5c26d8aac77b53a69100583c5b3b7a5e4cb#diff-2f0ab909a411c23f36da18f0c851b4e4 perhaps did you a typo with add and mul for the persian cavalry.
  3. "For example" is a reference to that other post. I just mean that those things were designed, that there is such a list, that those animals are not finished (missing animations, sound, ...) at all. Moreover domestic, wild and things like that are already well defined (it has gameplay and code implication).
  4. For example, all that is already well designed. Wiki, forum... are good sources.
  5. (Perhaps also people shouldn't spread rumors like there is nobody who do that, there is no clear vision, there is no design doc and so on. Lies become true when they are said too often. Divide et impera.)
  6. @Nescio: I agree with you. But "alpha". I can be ok with Increase "pikeman pierce damage from 3.0 to 5.0 " even with "Increase pikeman pierce damage from 3.0 to 10.0" but also with "Decrease pikeman pierce damage from 3.0 to 1.5 ". All that are experiments. I would like to see many (even conflicting) experiments. The matter is to decide what is worth to experiment and what isn't. The good news is that in any private mod or in any shared mod we can do those experiments. For the 'public mod' the main constraint is to keep a clean state where we can develop things. (If we don't have a full tree of technologies, it's also perhaps because it's a bit early to finish that without all the requested features. That's the easy and nice part of the job). At least, it's my personal point of view. Discussing about all that is a bit complicated as often people have too much biases. I already said that somewhere but I don't try to contribute/develop my own game. I just try to contribute to the creation of @Wijitmaker and rip Ken Wood, taking into account all what was discussed meanwhile. The main issue currently is just to let people actually do their task.
  7. (Most of us would agree after a long discussion around a beer/tea/coffee/glass of wine/sake)
  8. WARNING: JavaScript warning: gui/gamesetup/gamesetup.js line 1990 reference to undefined property g_GameAttributes.settings.PlayerData[playerSlot] ERROR: JavaScript error: gui/gamesetup/gamesetup.js line 1990 TypeError: g_GameAttributes.settings.PlayerData[playerSlot] is undefined openAIConfig@gui/gamesetup/gamesetup.js:1990:3 updateGUIObjects@gui/gamesetup/gamesetup.js:1925:3 setReady@gui/gamesetup/gamesetup.js:2199:2 resetReadyData@gui/gamesetup/gamesetup.js:2223:3 handleGamesetupMessage@gui/gamesetup/gamesetup.js:1260:2 g_NetMessageTypes.gamesetup@gui/gamesetup/gamesetup.js:134:22 handleNetMessages@gui/gamesetup/gamesetup.js:1609:4 onTick@gui/gamesetup/gamesetup.js:1590:3 __eventhandler353 (tick)@setupWindow tick:0:1 GUIManager.cpp(109): Assertion failed: "0 && (L"Tried to pop GUI page when there's < 2 in the stack")" Assertion failed: "0 && (L"Tried to pop GUI page when there's < 2 in the stack")" Location: GUIManager.cpp:109 (PopPage) Call stack: (0x55c5ac899f8e) ./../0adpublic/binaries/system/pyrogenesis(+0x5f4f8e) [0x55c5ac899f8e] (0x55c5ac8383c9) ./../0adpublic/binaries/system/pyrogenesis(+0x5933c9) [0x55c5ac8383c9] (0x55c5ac83a2e2) ./../0adpublic/binaries/system/pyrogenesis(+0x5952e2) [0x55c5ac83a2e2] (0x55c5ac7a7056) ./../0adpublic/binaries/system/pyrogenesis(+0x502056) [0x55c5ac7a7056] (0x55c5ac7ffef7) ./../0adpublic/binaries/system/pyrogenesis(+0x55aef7) [0x55c5ac7ffef7] (0x7f657c05dfee) [0x7f657c05dfee] errno = 0 (Try again later) OS error = ? Abandon
  9. Seems doable but that would need few lines of script.
  10. Thanks for the feedback, you pointed out a 'bug' (@leper: another MoveFrom stuff)
  11. @lucasduarteThere are some fantasy mods lying around and one medieval mod. Thanks for the feedback!
  12. @leper: that's fine then ;-) I had wonders about mass destruction creation of entity (in case where we would do that many times), but it wasn't really thought.
  13. Using the Pack component doesn't seem a good idea. Indeed, as I tried to explain in another place to another person, the Pack component does more than it seems to do (such an unit has a specific unit AI behavior). If you really want to do something like that, some modders used the Upgrade feature (with an entA -> entB, entB -> entA upgrade schema). (Though it has an hack flavour.) It should (it was sold with the feature). Each one should have a name.
  14. There are many things possible: - to have the ability to train other units, just repalce the {civ} attribute in ProductionQueue list of said buildings - to capture and change to the matching civ model, in the capturable component, when changing ownership, you transform the current entity to the matching one in the other civ (and destroy it if no one match), that would require template naming policy. - to disable production queue of capture building, in the capturable component, when changing ownership, you transform the current entity to the same one with a special filter which disable production queue.
  15. @Nescio: you can upload on phab the removing of the seleucid wonder hardcoded health if you want.
  16. 37. It was simplified some months ago. Currently the diminishingreturn is the factor applyed to each added gatherer on that resource (intended to be <1 but >1 works too). So if you have a DR of 0.5. The first gatherer gather at full rater, the 2nd at 0.5 rate, the 3rd one at 0.25 rate, ...
  17. For those things I think you'll have to look deeper in the gui (source/gui/MiniMap.cpp)
  18. You can look at binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/data/settings/player_defaults.json and to the templates related to your needs, see for example https://code.wildfiregames.com/rP19819 (but I don't know if it's exactly what you want, perhaps you'll have to look to hardcoded things in cpp code).
  19. It's done like that in Planetary Annihilation. It's easy to do with an implementation from scratch. I will have a quick look if it's easily doable with the current implementation (I guess it is).
  20. Yes it worked. Now if you want an aura that affect a component of a player entity (for example for pop cap), you need that type.
  21. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Aura_Templates
  22. Thanks Pureon! I hope all that will be done soon ;-) https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/topic/17224-damage-and-projectiles-fao-programmers/ (4 years later)
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