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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Red_08

  1. Yeah, I was watching it on the news. It's too bad how so many thousand have been killed so far.
  2. lol! You could go to the dollar store and get 5 items. I got my mom some tickets the the Imax to see Polar Express in 3D.
  3. Brother Nathanael told me about it shortly after our first recital where I first met him.
  4. Welcome Davids friend. You have alot of computer friends don't you Dnas? I've only found one person that would join so far, (who's name is also David Benjamin, so we may need a way to seperate you guy's names) as I don't really know any people that like computers and have enough time to check it out. :-P
  5. Hey Ceaser! I thought I had already posted here, so thats why it took me so long to welcome you . Anyway, welcome to the forums!
  6. Yes, this really belongs in the Introductions forum int the main area. Welcome. I'll be looking forward to seeing you around the forums. *moves thread to Introductions*
  7. Yeah! Christmas is here for us here in Texas! (I've already opened my presents) But unfortunatly I chose today to get sick. Merry Christmas ya'll!
  8. Hey Clayton! And BTW, you are technically a noob because of you just registering. Anyway, welcome to the forums. Yiuel: Lol. I can't believe that the censure is picking up Japanese.
  9. LOL! That site is crazy. Hmm. Someone must have been really board.
  10. Um Chris, they will be all the same. It sounds like we are choosing what type of smilie format we are going to convert the rest of the smilies to if I read the first post right.
  11. The only celebrites I've met are religeous celebrities. We've been to each of these people's churches: Doug Philips, Norm Wakefield, (where I'm sound system guy) and Little Bear Wheeler. But those are only local. Edit: Another one is Nathanael Barbettini who got the honor of the last performer at our Chrismas recital. Congrats Brother!
  12. Did you want to have iconic taunts? like: "Face the wrath of my Dancing Banana! " Yeah, I know, that one is dumb, but it a good example.
  13. Those frogs are so fun. You have TONS! That must've taken a long time to make those.
  14. Glad you got the grade Arga! This helps me with my spelling and grammar too although I do speak English and do live around it every day. There's just something about typing that helps me to remember things.
  15. Lol! If you guys do get the ok to do that, just remember to say at the top of the thread that nothing personal said there was ment and is just a joke or we may have another Chad situation.
  16. I'm a part of a choir our friends put together as the piano player, and we're going to be performing somewhere sometime soon. (no idea where and I'm not doing piano during the singing right now as my teacher decided to put together a cd because of not being able to give me enough time to learn them. They're pretty difficult.) My grandparents are also coming down from Arkansas the 27th to celebrate with us. They happen to like buffets, so we always go once or twice whenever they come, and it is usually the most important day, like a Birthday or Holiday. (the best part is the eating jk) They usually spoil us. I usually get 50$ to choose a present. (I'm using it for my comp)
  17. I like to eat at the comp too. I finished some pasta just now.
  18. It could also be possible that the player who got beer'ed was on steriods which would make him easily irritable.
  19. I have some friends that did this to get their degree and are doing great so I wasn't as sceptical when I was told about it. And don't worry about overstaying your welcome Yiuel. Your coments are welcome in my threads, if not in everyone elses.
  20. lol. I despise those things. I had one when I was younger, I never fixed it after I spun it about 30 or 40 times.
  21. Awesome comp! I really need a new one but I don't have $1,400 to spend on it.
  22. Hey there Silenril! Nice to have you at our forums! Are you talking about The Last Alliance when you say the game is really cool? Enjoy the forums. (PS. is Silenril your real name?)
  23. Wow, lots of people my age. I'm 13 and over 1/2 way to 14. April is my B-day.
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