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  1. Not relating to the Gaulish Wonder: This is again about the troops for the Gauls: In order to differentiate the two factions, the Gallic Iaosae should be replaced with Sotroas (archers) especially considering that the current slinger uses body paint and square/h shaped shields (thing exclusive to the Britons/Picts) as well as some of the level 3 versions fighting with a fur loincloth (something that really needs to be limited to only the Gaesatae for the Gauls). The Sotroas should fight in mostly trousers in level 1, with some wearing a full tunic like the level 1 spearmen, then using a full, more colourful tunic in level 2 and having perhaps a light padded vest of wool along with a coolus helmet (like the montefortino but without cheekpieces) in level 3. The skirmishers should follow the same method of clothing as the Sotroas. I understand that in level 3 they are currently meant to portray Gaesatae due to them being elite skirmishers, which is fine, except that causes there to be a melee Gaesatae and a ranged one, which seems odd. As said before: they should follow the same method of appearance as the Sotroas, however they should also get a small round shield (like the cavalry one) in level 2, and then an oval shield (not a more elite hexagonal shield like currently used) in level 3. The spearmen are mostly fine, except for their level 2: in level 2 they should receive an iron coolus helmet and some linothorax (not the same looking as those of the Greeks, look at the Leuki re-enactors to get a better idea of what Celtic linothorax looked like, the model Stanislas was working on a while back for leather armour is also accurate for medium armour in level 2 units). In level 3 they should get a montefortino helmet instead of the cheekless high helmet currently used. The Epos cavarly should be the same in level 2 and 3 as the spearmen. The skirmisher cavarly should get more armoured as they level up, and not look like mounted gaesatae in level 3. They should probably follow the same style of armour advancement as the skirmishers as mentioned earlier. One thing that definitely needs to be removed is the limed/spiked up hair. While some tribes on the continent did do it, it wasn't as common as it probably was in the Isles, and therefore it shouldn't be there if the Gaulish civilisation is to be a generalisation of all mainland Celtic tribes. Now for a unit suggestion: since the Gauls are rather lacking in units compared to some of the other civs, they should receive a swordsman unit like the Greeks and Romans have. I know I mentioned it before, but I didn't really explain it properly. The unit would be named Bataros (plural: Bataroi) and be equipped in the same manner as the spearman (light tunic>linothorax>chain) however, due to the extra expense of buying a sword instead of a cheaper spear, the level 1 units should receive a smaller round shield like the ones used by the Epos. Please note that these are all suggestions that would improve historical accuracy for the Gauls.
  2. Great, thanks. I was starting to miss those towers... Edit: I also see a lot of new things were added, looks good.
  3. You added them to an older version, but as far as I know it hasn't been updated to the latest version, although I'm not sure if that makes a difference.
  4. Sorry, haven't checked in a while. Looks fantastic. When you have the time to add this wonder in, do you also plan to update the Gaulish towers to the latest version? Well done, though. Thanks for your help so far in my small suggestion, I greatly appreciate it.
  5. So no news about this suggested faction?
  6. Welcome to the forums. Nice to meet a fellow South African. Before you I only knew of two 0ad players other than myself.
  7. Just another suggestion that should improve historical accuracy greatly: Sword unit. I know I mentioned this before, but I probably didn't explain enough: it's inaccurate to only make the elite solduros and cavalry units get swords. Historically swords seem more common among celts than spears, and even the spearmen still had a shortsword. Oh and for some possibly correct name for units, some you have already included in-game: Skirmisher=Gaeroas Swordsman=Bataroi Spearman=Gaelaiche Light cavalryman=Leuce Epos Heavy Cavalryman=Brihentin Elite Swordsman=Solduros Archer=Sotroas Slinger=Iaosatae Edit: Skirmisher cavalry would be Leuce Epos and the current Epos unit would be Donno Eporadai (I'm not sure if I spelt that right).
  8. Great! Looks really good well done. Woah, just looking at it again, it's actually really beautiful IMO.
  9. Apologies for the double post, and for the off-topic question; where can you find the files for models and textures in 0ad? Also, how do you edit them?
  10. Speaking of your mod, has it been updated to A18?
  11. That's true. Books are basically a combination of characters, usually put in a combination that will make you emotional. Movies and films are books that don't require you to use as much of your imagination, in movies you can see what is happening and experience the emotions from a more realistic (in the terms that you can see how people react etc.) perspective. Games are movies that allow you to take control of a specific character, which often makes you associate your self with them. Due to this, games make you feel like the main character, therefore any hardships that character undergoes makes you feel, for lack of a better word, emotional. There are quite a few games that made me almost cry. Even the ending of AC 4 made me re-think life for a bit.
  12. Something similar happened to me yesterday. Whilst playing a game, I realised that all I'm doing is clicking a button that activates reactive animations on this 2d screen in front of me....
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