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Everything posted by Trinketos

  1. Would be Levy > Jaguar Warrior> Noble Eagle> Shaved Warrior It will also be a champion unit.
  2. Solo necesito terminar a los mexicas y adaptar a los zapotecas de terra magna(Los zapotecas remplazan a los pipiles).
  3. Have you had any error or something with the mod? The only feedback i get is mine and that does not help me xd
  4. No, that is only local changes, also you need commit access to commit changes
  5. and with a better model because the other one was poop xd
  6. I just put pictures of walls and a picture of water and made lines on them xd.
  7. You forgot to attach the crshlog.txt and crashlog.dmp files https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/ReportingErrors https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths
  8. ¿Como se podría probar parches si tengo la versión de github? Forget it I already found what I was looking for.
  9. RTS games in the most chad genre in all history.
  10. I will do something with these references tomorrow, thanks
  11. Se podría adaptar al mod. Este mod agrega un nuevo recurso que es el agua, la mecánica de este recurso esta a medias. Me falta hacer acueductos, y "Nodos" de donde conectar los acueductos. También tengo pensado usar asentamientos como en Age of Mythology, lo que afecta el territorio que controlas. Y aldeas que subyugas dándote recursos o tropas obligas a luchar.
  12. https://github.com/0ADMods/pre-colonial-mod
  13. The current emblems i have(WIP). Inca,Mexica and Toltecs
  14. I see the old version of the Jaguar warrior and the Noble Eagle Warrior.
  15. Here they are in case they are going to use them for the zapotecs. native_unit.blend
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