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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Khazun

  1. wow blackop. Thats unless bush become a communist and doesnt let anybody vote I thought we were meant to guess unsure things in this topic werent we?
  2. i think ben affleck and matt daemon will get together (honestly) there will be a Johnny English 2 (hopefully)
  3. i say that the moderators choose, and people can also nominate members. The choses say 5 nominees could say why they think they deserve it, then the community votes.
  4. well, its summer here now. Showing some tourists my age a fun time ;0
  5. g'day-aussie word for hello I can give ya'll the slang I use too-incase nobody gets it-lolz
  6. def the scary movie ones. Or Scream-I know what you did last friday the 13th Not sure-it may have been shriek-im not sure.
  7. by memory they are dangerous fish, but their backs loook a bit like a stone (just by memory)
  8. holy crap-results just in. Made around 105 posts that day.
  9. there are no classes down here, hence im asking for sites
  10. current 0ad site is betterfor us 56kers too.
  11. current sites are grewat, why do we need new ones? shouldnt the resources go somewhere else?
  12. yeah-lol. And dont forget those monkeys that existed in middle earth. Oh-and those *flying* balrogs (hehe). Seriously, not sure if it has been said, but clouds/stars are needed, i believe (if able to be implemented). Weather effects such as rain (placeable by tiles0 Perhaps smouldering piles of dead people
  13. yes. You may be able just to make the script read what the player built, when, and even how/when the attacks went (maybye-thats going ou on a limb). We would have several pre-defined ones, but there are always new strategies, so for patches, perhaps we could add/update the AI's for the current strategies? Just a suggestion.
  14. i know nothing in either of these 3, hence i want to learn them
  15. Hey Guys, Im interested in learning yet another language, hopefully either German, Latin or Greek. Do any of ya'll know a good language learning site to help me in my endevours, or any of yas know these language and willing to get me started? (Once I learn rules/pronounciation the rest is usually simple)
  16. nic pic des, chi, yours, as ld said, doesnt work
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