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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Khazun

  1. lol-that has been tried. Every mmovie, not matter how ridiculous the plot is, needs a plot.
  2. Id make a comedy. Me and a mate have made so many comedies ripping off almost everything as home movies for soo long. Infact, I might upload one for ya'll
  3. Yes-as far as I know they want a game near finished before they even think about a gaming zone
  4. Hmm-Ive posted on this 10 times and my reply did not go through. I guess i'll try again. Welcome.
  5. Of course, Sunday is the traditional day off.
  6. rofl-yet if we say that we get in @#$%e
  7. lol-you had us all fooled da
  8. do you sail on a catameran. I love them-sooooooo darned fun.
  9. wow-was just re-reading. Blackop-pe all week? lucky-we only get 3 hours worth (3 periods) a week and 2 periods (2 hours) of sport.
  10. i think it may be from different sections. Posts-total posts threads started-ones started in this section (wfg community, 0ad, tla) same with replies.
  11. no1 seems to know. This song was originally written somewhere within 1981 1982 Was just re-released under the runner-up of a popular game show (cant make it any easier than that)
  12. now u said it i just remembered that movie. darn it was funny-lol.
  13. seems like every1 is looking forward to their summers
  14. oh-ok. Maybye the popups were 'to make it more convinient for the user so your site doesnt lose traffic.
  15. Well, not sure if everbody knows this, but wfg gets money when we click on the ads at the bottom of the page. I have a few suggestions to make people do this more. a)Award currency say 1 point per 5 ads clicked? b)Make the ads appear in a popup window. Then in the time it takes me to click the one annual one i click per topic to 4, as i wont need to right click and click open in new window. Well-just some suggestions. I mean, cmon, I made WFG 10 cents in a whole day Now DA-dont spend it all at once.
  16. i was thinking more along the lines of resident bondage clown
  17. i think we need (will find one later) of a little smiley doing a tapdance-hehehe
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