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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by WhiteTreePaladin

  1. Is the mobile version working for anyone else?
  2. Mobile version seems to be gone. Any setting I need to turn on?
  3. Why remove Shift click? There are a lot of hot keys for adanced players, no need to remove them just because new players are not aware of them. Also, not sure how right click is involved with Shift click. Right click just cancels the command. So, I don't really understand. [Edit] Also, you should be able to hold shift down the entire time. Did AoK even have a way to continue walls?
  4. The units get stuck trying to build and sit there playing the animation, but the building sits at zero. It never gets built, so I don't think it is an issue with the GUI updating. When re-tasked, they do start building again. It seems to never be the first thing they build, but rather happens when they finish a structure and move on to another automatically. Attached are logs. It happened during the last build palisade command. (The command involved building some palisades that had been placed earlier. logs.zip Here's some images (the log does not apply to these pictures.)
  5. Virtualbox is pretty easy to work with. I'd recommend it. Free is always nice
  6. WARNING: JavaScript warning: simulation/ai/qbot/worker.js line 13 reference to undefined property this.ent.unitAIOrderData().type Here are the the logs: commands.txt interestinglog.html mainlog.html
  7. You'd probably want to save some of the game state in the map; for example, setting the player's initial resources from the saved game.
  8. The lag is mostly non-graphics related (provided you have decent graphics of course). The current pathfinder needs some optimizing and is currently being looked at.
  9. That is why it doesn't really have anything to do with our time frame.
  10. Jericho is interesting, but I'm not sure it has anything to do with our time period.
  11. @nocompile It's a bit difficult to make mods now, and things would probably break frequently. However, when the game is finished and we have a somewhat stable mod API, I'm sure someone will make a mod based on "ultra realism." It just won't be part of the "official" game.
  12. Short answer: no. From our FAQ Although I do note we currently have heads on poles like in AoK (although they weren't bloody last I checked...)
  13. By the way, I noticed a significant speed improvement when reading PDF files by simply moving them off the SD card to internal storage. Depending on the class of SD card you are using, this will likely hold true.
  14. @Evans, Haven't seen you in a while. Nice to see that you still visit.
  15. Hmm, we've lost the ability to edit posts on the mobile site. (Can't fix that typo...)
  16. I don't even have an android tablet, but now I'm want one!
  17. Well, there is such a thing called trade secrets... Commercial games have no incentive to share. There really aren't many open source RTS games, so this type of code may not really be available publicly. (It will be after 0 A.D though.)
  18. Please convert that attachment to a JPG or a PNG and re-upload. It's nearly 90 megabytes!
  19. The islands are a bit too regularly shaped, but it's still interesting.
  20. "Brian Ashley - Forum name? (from contributors.txt)" I'm surprised I'm in there; I've barely even touched the C++ side of things.
  21. Yeah, a wall system is something I'm really looking forward to.
  22. Kind of reminds me of maps that have predetermined build spots, except you can only fight where you can build in this one.
  23. Thanks for the suggestions. There are a lot of unfinished features, so please don't think things are anywhere near finished. For example, gates are completely non-functional right now.
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