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Everything posted by WhiteTreePaladin

  1. Yeah, ships have been mostly unusable and rams get stuck frequently (even when they have plenty of room). It's possible some things have been fixed lately though, so I'll need to give it another try.
  2. Haven't heard anything about paid dev work. One of the main things we had wanted to fund with the paid dev work was the updated pathfinder which was added in a couple of months ago. It hasn't been fully performance optimized and has some new bugs, but the work has been started. I know they were also getting some of the perks ready recently.
  3. I think it actually was called "Nature" in Age of Empires 3.
  4. I think they might be in the old .pmd format so getting the model out might not be too bad (would take some effort). The rig, however, probably can't be salvaged (because the ship/mast shared a single rig), so we'd lose the rowing animations, etc.
  5. There is actually a working ticket/patch for this (just needed a little cleanup in the code). I believe the current ship rigs are in an older format, so modifying the current ships to separate the mast out is very difficult.
  6. If the masts are separate pieces (rig / bones), then they can break off during a sinking animation. This would allow a sunken ship to sit on the bottom for awhile (before gradually sinking through) without the mast sticking out of the water.
  7. BFME 1 and 2 handled upgrades that way; it made it more painful to lose troops / buildings. I think it works much better for battalions; it would probably be too much effort for individual units (keeping track of which were upgraded, etc.) even if you selected a group of them.
  8. The map format is being changed although I would have thought that the current maps were updated to work. This wouldn't affect the official releases.
  9. Yeah, I still find that confusing even now. I tolerate it because of AoK, but it's not my favorite feature for sure. I guess that's a reasonable compromise. If we ungarrison for damage, then doing the same for loyalty points perhaps isn't too terrible.
  10. Quite possibly I misinterpreted what was said earlier. Seems that as long as you officially own it, you have control to delete. The moment it switches, you don't, which makes sense. Was just responding to this: I agree, and it should work the other way, too, you can't just destroy a recently captured building if you haven't built up enough loyalty. I think it would be pretty confusing not to be able to delete a structure just because another player had more loyalty points. It's possible that they could be so close that the bar could look evenly split among multiple players. At what point would a player get control? At greater than 50% loyalty? at two-thirds? I assume that defense arrows would still be fired until the conversion was complete.
  11. I also seem to remember Philip finding issues with floating point. I think Redfox tried something along these lines as well?
  12. It could be interesting if "garrisoned" units in siege weapons were grouped or propped to walk with the siege units. There is a risk of adding too much micromanagement though.
  13. Should probably still be able to destroy a structure you own even if it is damaged; happened in war all the time where the defenders would sabotage any resources they had to keep them out of enemy hands. Also, repair shouldn't be required just to destroy it afterwards. Just bringing this up since it was mentioned that damaged bulldings should be easier to capture. I think a way to handle it would be to increase the capture rate based on the current health, so the lower the health, the faster the loyalty points drain. This would apply to territory loyalty decay also.
  14. Something like that would work. Instant ownership change like sheep would be easiest. Would be really interesting for traders; you'd have to have units patroling to keep ownership. I don't see that as an issue for blacksmiths. Just allow research of all the techs that your civ has (the blacksmith ones are surprisingly universal among our civs). Or we could just make them turn into your civ's version of that structure but just keep the original civ's graphics. Special buildings probably would have no real purpose to your civ though though. I think siege weapons should just damage buildings though. As mentioned, a damaged structure could be made easier to capture.
  15. Sorry, I read millimeter as meter, so I thought the precision would go from around 1 meter to 10 meters. That didn't seem acceptable. A centimeter isn't too bad at all. Still, 8x seems like overkill unless we are planning much larger maps in the future.
  16. A factor of 2 would be good for me. I do worry what the loss of precision will do beyond 2x.
  17. There is more work to be done on the Seleucids. As mentioned, the Civil Center is a placeholder and some other buildings are using existing assets. I'm not sure if that Greek market is the one they intend to use or if they will use a new one like in the picture. (It might have just been an experimental design like the Civil Center.) I liked that too. The game is going through some major rebalancing, so perhaps that will be added back at some point.
  18. The current game covers 500 BC to AD 1, so we really don't cover "ages" like in Age of Empires. The unique buildings are a major feature of 0 A.D. AoE3 (2005) did reuse building sets for the main game (Europe), but the six civs added in the expansions all had unique building sets. I personally would swap the locations of the generic and specific names myself, but I doubt anyone would be all that confused either way. I would agree that 0AD is darker compared to AoE2 or 3, but it is somewhat similar to BFME2. It's mostly personal preference and I like aspects of both art styles. I do sometimes confuse the mill and the farmhouse on some civs, but that's something that can be fixed fairly easily I think. I wouldn't have an issue with 2D stairs for a low end setting or LoD, but otherwise I feel we should stick with 3D stairs (BFME1 had 2D stairs in 2004; BFME2 had 3D stairs in 2006). Would really like to see buildings get upgraded per phase. That would make upgrading more fun and help with gameplay. For example, the only way I can quickly tell if an opponent has reached city phase is when there is a fortress. (AoK used to give notifications also.)
  19. Branching in SVN is not fun. When we switch to GIT, we will be able to fix bugs on a release branch and still continue working on the next release concurrently.
  20. Using that app, it doesn't appear that my nexus 7 (2013) has OES_mapbuffer. So I guess 0AD can't run on any nexus 7? It running Android 5.0.2.
  21. I do agree with some of the contrast issues / difficultly distinguishing units from terrain, etc. (I just wish he would be more diplomatic in his explanations. Which might happen once he's more used to our group.)
  22. It says "version alpha 0.4" I cleared data app data in the settings, but it didn't do anytihng.
  23. How can I verify that? I noticed that there was an update so I installed it, but it seemed to be a very small update because it didn't take long. When I visit the page, it just says "open" not update, I didn't see any mention of the version on the page. Hmm, the page Google Play page says updated on March 8. So maybe it's old?
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