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Everything posted by WhiteTreePaladin

  1. Still doesn't work for me. The icon glows and then nothing. If I press it enough, it will change to landscape really quick and then change back. I found a logcat file, but it was mostly unreadable do to the encoding? I did see an error in the 0ad logs though relating to GUI pages: 0 A.D. Main logCannot find config file "config/default.cfg" - ignoring Cannot find config file "config/local.cfg" - ignoring Loading config file "config/user.cfg" Loaded config string "userreport.id" = "cdafbaaf94426422" ERROR: CVFSFile: file hwdetect/hwdetect.js couldn't be opened (vfs_load: -110100) ERROR: Failed to load hardware detection script ERROR: CVFSFile: file shaders/program.rng couldn't be opened (vfs_load: -110100) ERROR: Failed to read grammar shaders/program.rng CRenderer::Open: depth bits 24 CRenderer::Open: stencil bits 8 CRenderer::Open: alpha bits 0 ERROR: Failed to open font file fonts/mono-10.fnt ERROR: Failed to open font file fonts/sans-10.fnt ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "gui/page_pregame.xml" ERROR: Failed to open font file fonts/mono-stroke-10.fnt ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "shaders/effects/gui_text.xml" ERROR: Failed to load effect 'gui_text' 0 A.D. Main log (warnings and errors only)ERROR: CVFSFile: file hwdetect/hwdetect.js couldn't be opened (vfs_load: -110100) ERROR: Failed to load hardware detection script ERROR: CVFSFile: file shaders/program.rng couldn't be opened (vfs_load: -110100) ERROR: Failed to read grammar shaders/program.rng ERROR: Failed to open font file fonts/mono-10.fnt ERROR: Failed to open font file fonts/sans-10.fnt ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "gui/page_pregame.xml" ERROR: Failed to open font file fonts/mono-stroke-10.fnt ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "shaders/effects/gui_text.xml" ERROR: Failed to load effect 'gui_text'
  2. Seems like this could be covered by a stance. A neutral stance could involve attacking military but leave civilians alone.
  3. I tried it on a Nexus 7, and it just changes the screen to black and landscape, and then immediately returns. I guess it is crashing. I don't know anything about Android development; where is logcat?
  4. Generally I have to use the 4-arrow move tool for reselecting if I want to move or delete an entity. The regular selection tool doesn't work well for me even for entities. Gaia objects should be selected the same as regular player objects; I've never had them act differently. Make sure you are placing entities and not the actors as actors are very difficult to select. Also, the bounding boxes of your objects can affect selection.
  5. I would think that a proper IDE (like Eclipse, Netbeans, Visual Studio, etc.) would be easier than Notepad++ because of special features like autocomplete, format, etc. Notepad++ should work fine though and is simple. (Regular Notepad should also work; I think "save" will work with .json, but "save as" might not offer .json. You might have to save as a .txt and rename afterwards.) One thing you might potentially have to watch out for is text file line ending differences on Wndows and Linux. (I think I had that issue when I used regular notepad for 0AD in the past. That was years ago though.) http://superuser.com/questions/374028/how-are-n-and-r-handled-differently-on-linux-and-windows
  6. Ah, it works with Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V, but those shortcuts aren't listed in the edit menu. (The undo/redo shortcuts are listed.) In the menu, copy enables when a selection is made; however, paste never seems to enable and cannot be clicked.
  7. I can copy, but I cannot paste in atlas. Probably should mention some more details about how that works (unless I'm just missing something).
  8. It's been mentioned that players would decommission civilian units during an attack to avoid letting the enemy get loot/exp, so direct decommissioning that allows return of loot values to the original player could be abused by very experienced players (in circumstances where a building is destroyed and the units could not make it to safety.) The other system (walking to buildings or applying only to garrisoned units) was considered too much effort for too little gain. I get the impression that it's simply a difference in player skill. An experienced player has no issue with unit deletion because they plan well enough to never need to delete any units. They are always producing new units; they don't really make a massive attack force all at once. It is an issue for casual players who like to build up a big economy with a massive store of resources and then free up the entire pop cap for an epic battle afterwards. The play style is basically a slower pace regular game that ends with death match level resources.
  9. For one, it avoids having dead units all around your base when no battle has occurred. Killing your own units to free up pop space just seems bizarre. Other than the graphical effect and it being more logical, you would receive the loot per unit decommissioned which provides some new strategies. You could decommission some units you didn't need in order to get some of the resources back to research some critical tech or train some units that you had a more immediate need for. It needs to apply to all units, so a slave market really wouldn't work as well; you should be able to decommission both military and civilian units. Also, the civilians are generally citizens with certain rights, so selling your own people off doesn't make much sense considering they weren't captured enemies. (It also is a sensitive issue that would be more offensive to people without a real benefit to the game, so I don't think it should be implemented that way.)
  10. Many times in a game I find that I need more population room. However, in the late game the pop cap basically means that there simply isn't enough space in the houses. To prevent "deleting" your own civilian units to free up space for the more powerful units (this would apply to soldier units too), I suggest we implement decommissioning. The Delete Unit button would be replaced with a Decommission button. Units would simply disappear when decommissioned (or maybe use a simple particle effect). This would represent sending off units when you don't need their services. The unit would return all items received during the course of employment. This would be realized by adding the loot (equipment) values of the units back to the player's resources. To prevent killing all the enemy civilian units, I suggest two changes: First, that we make female citizens non-conquest critical like traders and priests. This requires removing the ability to set Civil Center foundations. Second, to avoid having Gaia units just sitting around after a player is defeated, we could implement automatic Gaia ownership changes based on proximity like in AoK. The proximity ownership change takes away most of the difficulty of figuring out which player actually defeated the other player. Any thoughts?
  11. Seeing those old posts reminds me of how much thought and effort has gone into 0 A.D.
  12. I think it may depend on what civ is being used. Some are civs are poorly equipped with siege units to tackle structures (although every civ has good units against structures). Ranged siege are almost worthless. I used 10 powerful ranged siege units against a single fortress. Due to the issues with unpacking / auto-repacking and lack of room, I lost all ten before I could take the fortress down. Meanwhile, my citizen soldier infantry and elephants took down several fortresses and major sections of wall in short order. So I do agree that the ranged siege weapons intended for buildings need either more range, more attack, or both. However, that doesn't fix the issue of units destroying structures too fast. [edit] ranged "siege" units, not just 10 ranged units
  13. It's great for death match mode. Really just depends on whether saving resources or saving time (to manage a battle, etc.) is more urgent.
  14. Unless you need every unit trained individually (which would require a ton of clicking), then batch training should work. You can have as many units queued as you want, no arbitrary limit of 24, etc. Just hold shift and each additional click on the unit icon will increase the count by five units. Let go of shift and the batch will begin to train.
  15. I would make the rowing animations separate from the main model. That way they can be separated from the boat when it sinks (fall out). As it is currently, the oars would fall towards the bottom of the ship because they are parented to the boat. Since the boat randomly angles when sinking, the oars wouldn't sink properly. Also, we would need separate masts with their own destruction animations. This will allow us to have sunken ships on the bottom without masts sticking so far out of the water. Masts animation ticket: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/2986 Ship sink ticket: (requires the above ticket to be done first for best results) http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/2461
  16. Buildings are too strong? I think they are about right. If they were weaker, then powerful non-siege units could tear them up in one second each. Example: I was using Gaul against Britons and was able to mow down fortresses without using any siege units. Takes advanced swordsmen five seconds at most (actually, I think it was a bit less) to take down a full health fortress. Houses fell so fast that it looked like the troops were still moving. The enemy skirmishers (a good sized group) were upgraded and firing at my units the entire time, but it wasn't worth fighting them because they were not doing enough damage to be worth stopping to fight them. Towers fell faster than fortresses and I couldn't see that they had any effect. (These were upgraded towers too.) I've tried this with other advanced units with pretty much the same results. I guess I feel that strong upgraded units should not tear buildings down so fast. Certainly not any faster than they do currently. They should fight other units better. I remember in AoK that trebuchets were useful. I haven't bothered to use a ranged siege unit in a long time as troops are more versatile and ultimately more powerful even against structures. Rams generally aren't worth it, however, there are a few cases where rams can be useful. (Also, a group of rams is exceptionally good against archers as one ram alone can take out dozens of archers.) I do agree about wall foundations; any unit should be able to destroy those.
  17. If someone took enough effort to build walls, I'd think it would be nice to require siege to take them down. We can make them expensive/slow to build as needed for balancing. I'd rather have expensive walls and/or slow build time than have walls that don't really offer any protection. If building conversion is implemented, it wouldn't apply to walls anyway.
  18. I think non-crush units should not be able to attack walls. Either that, or walls need to be a lot stronger. Regular units can tear through them pretty quickly. I can't find a valid use case for walls currently. They just aren't worth the time to build them. Fortresses should probably also have a technology that increases their HP / defense dramatically. Just some observations.
  19. I accidentally categorized it as AI. Mimo has corrected it to UI and simulation.
  20. Will we be able to import the FBX files into Blender and save as .blend? I hope we can store them in the art repo in such a way that is easy to use in Blender and is lossless (not Collada).
  21. Will we be able to easily edit these animations in Blender?
  22. Was the victory condition "Wonder"? Other than that, I don't know about any timers.
  23. Oh, right. Forgot that worked in the official release. (Although if it didn't, most would never be able to use mods... which would make all the mod support work kind of pointless...) Should be really easy then, just follow Erik's advice. [edit] If you don't mind the blood appearing for a short time, and just don't want the dead units lying around, you can set the DelayTime to a few seconds and use a high value for the sink rates. That will show the dying animation (falling down) and the blood. If you time it right though, the unit (and blood) will disappear when the unit hits the ground. The unit death animations are not all the same length, so it wouldn't be perfect, but you could probably find a value that is the right length for most unit's death animations.
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