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Everything posted by Ludo38

  1. Ah, I was wondering why your screenshots looked so special ! Well, you capture things very well as I said, but indeed that vignetting is definitely a nice finish to the screens.
  2. Two more songs that will make you travel in time and space Procession to the Centre of the Pyramid, by Phil Thornton : medley The Travel + The Spirit of Plants, in Blueberry soundtrack : (the first half, "The Travel", is a great epic nature track. The second is more western and religious but gorgeous too, though not "Ancient-like")
  3. Shield Bearer, it seems you didn't centered exactly the 0 A.D. logo and the catch sentence. It's nothing, just pushing the sentence a bit to the left.
  4. That's a very good one. Shield Bearer, I love how you capture the game !!
  5. Myconid gave me the link to a great thread full of maps, made by contributor Yodaspirine : http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16729&st=20#entry256459 That Yoda' did an impressive work at designing maps with style.
  6. @Lion : Good suggestion, thank you! Your version is pretty good by the way. I suggest your re-center the text and elements (for now you have much space on the right). Also, as Pureon pointed it on #14, we should stick to the official font of the game, which is Optimus Princeps. (that said, the font your used is very nice, and I'd like to know which one it is) Another suggestion to improve your wallpaper Lion : I think the artwork is too black. Can you have it more grey or brown ? Something softer I mean, to be closer to a pencil style. For now I find the contrast too hard.
  7. Sorry Lion, this time I don't understand your english.. Can you say this differently ?
  8. 3 other screens with the normal player POV :
  9. What does mean "PR" ? Yes, you're right about the need to mostly show the normal player POV in screenshots. It's just irresistible to look the game differently And anyway, for now, any player can deactivate the camera limitation, right ?
  10. 3 from the Black Forest + 2 from the Iberian sandbox :
  11. New screenshots I've just made. That one is from the Athens map by Yodaspirine : And two that I made with the Persian Sandbox map :
  12. Enrique, your hanging gardens are really awesome and improve their context a lot. I caught this picture while visiting the Persian Sandbox map. It's from the inner courtyard garden. If it doesn't requires too many polygons, I suggest to put back the bottom faces of the model, so we get zero visual bug while watching this wonder from every angle. I don't think the polygon count will explode because of that, and anyway, this building is really special.
  13. Thank you Spahbod! Can you just change the location of this post please ? Putting it in the Screenshots thread will help keep the Wallpapers thread only to wallpapers. Thank you very much.
  14. Thank you very much Myconid! That link is precious !! As soon as I've a few hours, I will wander those maps and capture their essence. That Yodaspirine did a fantastic work... I'm very impressed by his maps...
  15. I have started another thread where to share saved games. Amish, the second picture doesn't load well. Does it work on your side ? I can see the thumbnail on the right, but the larger one doesn't load..
  16. Hi folks ! I open this thread to call for a sharing of saved games. As I have told here and there, I'm looking for good looking sights of cities, battles and other kinds of game scenes, sights that I want to capture to bring up a brand new range of screenshots with all graphics up. And to get that kind of sights, the best materials are your most advanced saved games, with maps busy with armies and fortresses ! So, feel free to share your saves here. That will be helpful. Here is a screenshots thread if you want to post your owns, and here is a wallpapers thread where we do much use of the best screenshots.
  17. I think we can do both. I'm hungry for saved games to try screenshots without need to build a specific scene in Atlas (that takes much time), but sure, Atlas is a great tool to have precisely the set we want. What is that "simulation" stuff ? I haven't heard about it before... It's an internal Atlas button to see the map in motion ?
  18. I know, but those screenshots are still the best we have for now to show the grandeur of Persia and the elephant forest battles. Spahbod, if you have some nice saved games with epic cities and armies, please send them so I can capture sights.
  19. I send you a PM about that. BTW, you wallpapers are absolutely fantastic. Beautiful cinematography !!
  20. @#$%! OK, thanks for the notice Lion! I fix that now! Cool to have your feedback! EDIT : Now the wallpaper is corrected and updated : #17
  21. And again a new one ! A recent Mauryan shot I did. I added a slightly fade of purple in the stop right to have a less white sky. I thought it's more in harmony with the building's tone.
  22. Now horizontal stripes, with the name of each faction ! I've tried a different catch sentence. What do you think of it ? (edit : updated the picture version, with Romans and Hellenic factions at the right place)
  23. And another one ! (edit : picture version updated) I will very soon make one with horizontal stripes.
  24. @ShieldBearer : Waow, I love it !! Beautiful screenshot and very nice layout. Feel free to make several more like that ! What font are you using for the "History..." sentence ? I put it in the new website right now. If you don't mind, for now I only put the 1600x1200 version, and later, when we find a good way to offer various sizes in the gallery with a thumbnail+list, we'll update the other one, and why not some more sizes on this same wallpaper.
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