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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. The Finest touch, the end of this Mauryan Project is close.
  2. and thats why, they fail, their Empire was Splitted in several Kingdoms
  3. but, can wok in exactly like empire earth aoc, withb stamina bar.
  4. is that, some instructions and a some Artwork(sketches). simple This a Reference http://ebookbrowse.c...-pdf-d152070601 Optimizate images, i can o that in Photoshop and Convert into PDF. Save as for Web each image, or when you convert in to PDF, give low resolution for low height
  5. Good work Enrique, that is last building, is not?
  6. The Units, may be, use Battalion mode, like Rise and Fall, Mythos Talk about this in http://www.wildfireg...ll&fromsearch=1 With inteligent Battalion System, now we can do Batttalion Task, in Rise and Fall thats not happens, but happens in Total war, and Praetorians. now, the problem is the animation, and may be Programming, but this is like Garrisonning in one sole Units, Not Problem with Pathfinding.
  7. the Greek Phanlanx and Syntagma, Wall Shield, Spabara Formatios,This Other for Stop Cavalry units. http://www.roman-empire.net/army/repel-cavalry.html
  8. lilistewie, are into the Credits?, is great Entusiastic about visual references. and i wish all Civilisation that are left to do, will be Crowd-sourced
  9. but are planed other ancient far civilisation? korean, japanese, nomadic?
  10. we nee find some basque, people, or basque forum. to ask.
  11. we need, people that Enjoy doing Maps, can participate. this is for Scenarios. Canaan.+Sinai Lybian DesertAssyriaTrigris And Euphrates [Near Babylon]Akkad SardiniaEtruriaVesuvius Plains of DeathTroyKushElam+Magan+Dilmun [Name: Elam Gulf]Im Searching what kind of Maps we Want, and Geographical Accuracy, but you are free to use your Imagination.for now use 0A.D Civs to do it.
  12. .http://play0ad.com/game-info/factions/
  13. Ptolemaic Egyptian. see the Official post . im sure you will be pleased.http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16960
  14. i hear something similar but not, are Egyptian, i think was his Neighbours[Nubian Maybe], long time ago.
  15. Thank you for the post, very useful.Welcome to Aristeia : Bronze Civilizations Pack _________________________________________________________________________----- Hatussa Walls I will use Persian but i change the Textures, and Scale. How make the Persian Walls? [To give Credits]
  16. how many civilizations have Rise of East? i am curious, and sorry iam not send to you my artwork. i am not time for theses days. even my own Projects.i am very ineteresting in help all 0.A.D Projects (Aristeia , Rise of East, Main Project)
  17. not in Early Republic yet. in this game not yet XD.
  18. [removed quote] Im Roman Empire enthusiastic too, Rome HBO presents greats Legionaries, and great Realism. We are Interesting in know how you know about 0.A.D and what you are your hobbies and skills. And in Second Part of 0.A.D : we can play with Imperial Romans. I was Play all Romans involved RTS. and city Builders.
  19. yes i iagree with Sighvatr, we suggest this unit for Eye Candy list, its not great relevant unit, into battle, with Actual Gameplay System of course.There is the List. http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16959
  20. sorry, i am recollecting info yet. , havent no time to edit quoted post that have Images or put Spoilers tags.for these days, i haven't no time to complete some task, and information, and Atenmeses52, are than busy as me. i was forgot complete this topic, i am working in this into the nights, this work its for now in Design Discussion about Units and heroes.
  21. you know about 0AD part 2, right?
  22. if Mauryan Faction is Complete the team take a Mauryan name.
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