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Balancing Advisors
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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. middle east are a rich cultural people.a bazaar(Grand Market/trade Income building ) may be are a special building than market?
  2. you are Iranian, you know how change the Traditions and Buildings Special these, the Market of Middle earstern today are same(almost) of Roman times?
  3. next to add may be are the Ptolemies. Germanic Tribes been added to Second part, not now.
  4. this a model to do, tell me othr mod that can do something
  5. if you support with some ideas from other rts.conversion. unit skill capturing buildings mercenaries from gaia buildings games modes. Ai
  6. that great news, are Happy s Top Player work in this Project, a Real Free Game (not like that Fallen Fake Clown Empires)
  7. For now Focussed in Bronze Age, After Mesoamerican Mod Pack, Later Ancient civs like (Elam, Akkad, Sumer etc), Kimball and his team are working in Far Asians.
  8. you are testing the game(0.A.D)?? when you finish its very useful if you want fill my Survey to get a common Feedback Database.you like 0 A.D ? Customer Satisfaction Survey - Help me to Know what you expect from 0.AD. - its only for statistical purposes.
  9. i like you have clear. now we are most Organised than we predecessor .We must Study the Official One Mod "The rise of The East" by Kimball
  10. tell to the team, now in Waiting are Ptolemies, Seleucids and....others. or we make it in own way.
  11. but must be in One Big PackStart with a Civ in Few Days when enought Peoplee read this post. in Aplication form Sub Forum are people who want part of the team you try to contact some of them.
  12. An Empire’s Downfall: What Went Wrong with Age of Empires? http://gamingillustr...age-of-empires/ I Enjoy reading this.
  13. i request for delvelopers of this Mod join us in Bronze theme Pack (Project)
  14. Check this. http://www.wildfireg...showtopic=15336 more reference, this is a idea propose for many before us, we can give a form. http://www.wildfireg...showtopic=13215
  15. is a Shame some ideas don't Rise becasuse user dont give more attention or give continuity
  16. we need discuss with comunnity, we ae not alone XD.
  17. Thank you, we need basic only civs this 0AD not Total war Series XD. First we Need agree with List. Second discuss warfare gameplay( Siege Cavalry Infrantry) , buildings, Economics, Defense, weapons, Armors. Historical Context. for example 0 AD Part 1 (bc 500-1bc). Search for similiar post and put here to linked the previous ideas.
  18. Thank you, im good in 2d, but need know how put my art in Buildings and into the game. other thinking i was is put this Civs with Other civs like a DLC Pack. Ask to enrique how put color for each player, that we do for Each building. all i know is lef Channel Alpha(with Transparency) in models. Ask or someonelse how mod existent content, know if you search in this forum "how do a mod" all post are use full. we need a Programmer. i you must learn how texturing to Blender, when you know how Texturing i create the Textures in Photoshop.
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