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Balancing Advisors
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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. you can see the results in : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/gform?key=0ApMMKUIFcmEtdDBLZnEyTlJGWmQ5V3NLMmw3Q25VU3c&gridId=0#chart the goal is 550 gamers not limit time
  2. thank you raymond, this a Firts of varoius Marketing/ communicational research by do suggestion to do, to how try to make grown our Audience. and try change Technical issues. and how is best way to make a link with Gamers of all World.
  3. yeah is great info contributor, can help us with other civs references?
  4. if thee are more 0.ad sites that give us more voice in internet, check my survey results in second day, and see google.
  5. must be diferent to this forum, more relax and more fun, less seriously, more creativity, for maps, fan art, mods, voices, fun content
  6. FAN PAGE a new comunity specialised in moding and off topic, strategies and find multiplayer... dont forget fan art. 0. AD memes XD.many sun language forum. sounds good idea.
  7. yeah like AOE 3 XD love these Monarchs mocked me.
  8. Make s civ Profile. is this way that give to life Mauryan faction in 0.AD http://trac.wildfire...Civ%3A_Mauryans http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16056&st=0
  9. good point, that fix some performance issues and the performance are the weakness of 0.AD
  10. I Want make a New Version in PDF of this Game Guide, but Later. Based in Some instructional they i have in PDF. Like Rise of Nations. Empire Earth 1 y 2 AOK
  11. Check the link above named type B (Dropbox)https://www.dropbox....l9/B%20type.rar __________________________________________ Tiger Texture under CC http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.es
  12. Type B set - Link https://www.dropbox....l9/B%20type.rar Type C : i did type C set plain vesion? how plain?
  13. Thank you Historic Bruno, now i update and put in Status as planned
  14. you want more designes, a new set of shields?
  15. sorry i wanna use the argument from Pedro in the right Topic.
  16. linked now those topic it don't be despair to easy, any interested in this topic or related can guide best for forum.
  17. i think more AOK or EE2 Patrol, buting waypoint to looping and whan see a enemy units attack them, and yeah agree in defensive stance.
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