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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. These are mine and they are why I play this game. Roman Legionaries Praetorians Cathaphract Armored Elephant. Partian Horse Archers Hyspapites Argyraspirdes Inmortals Macedonian Pezhetaroi Noble Gallic Cavalry Naked Fanatic Germanic Heavy Cavalry Siege Tower Onager
  2. Argyraspides and Hyspapit too? .Not the actuallooks some leather or plastic only this, is my opinion, the other textures are very cool.
  3. send me at email. [lion.kanzen] google mail you know;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :/
  4. So exited i love Armored Have Elephants, make a Upgrade to Light Elephant to Haevy Elphant. the Metal texture need some work. more grounge. like this but find some for free[that is an example dont use it], you can take a photo from a home pot or something like that its not difficult.
  5. yes that we buildings have same with other texturs more Levant materials than North African-South Spain too long yet. Focus in Phonicia, not refernces to Carthage until Final.remember the Structure.History; Origin, Rise to power(Without Carthage), Colonies, Forces and Fall. in 9 lines . Atenmeses i need your Email to show you some ideas before presented in forum. And show you Emblems. i need a idea for Phoenician Emblem
  6. this some base carthaginian with buildings. i need the history of Phoenicia in some lines.
  7. in my last game session uses, Wololo cheat for, use an ally units[Note: i set that ally without an AI ] was very interesting Fuse Persian and Roman in a unique force. if you dont set AI a ally the units can be, capturings instantly to yours own faction if you send a unit to capturing with unit´s LOS.
  8. not, i speak aestethic not screen, for example art sketch/layout like loordgood drawings and micheal art concept.
  9. yes, this guy, disapears years ago XD. [2009]Things to do Introducing FES to Community create licescing File research in order to complete each civ.json file ask for support ask for existent models Create the Nabateans Civ as MOD to have a example
  10. The buildings and their icons are not displayed. Fixed at Automatic Build
  11. i need spanish to English.hey give your email. or send me an email at lion.kanzen (at) gmail.com
  12. thank you. we don't developing only a mod, we try to help whole 0.A.D Project.
  13. the Project is for Learn Pedro, the only thing, i want is all who are involved, enjoy.you don't think this Project are like official. or like Scion Developers Project. And Aristeia are not only a Project of FES, its the who want take it. for now i want contact to you to send some material to translate. and find how redact some History for each faction.
  14. No ludo, the guy, have too much time away. try to contact to Devian art, the guy have a web page but, the page is abandon
  15. The last Mauryan Shield Set 4 [When you Wish i Put Download link Here]
  16. Can Help you with some Art to Back ground like Age of Empires I Manual? i will optimizated that Images to work with your material, as unique basic standar .
  17. nice Suggestion Thank you, i was concentra to to main Imagotype than the Description.Pedro i need some one Speak mi Spanish and Speak English, to Main page, i would ask something, need you as team Member, of course if you wish, to Writing some messages to invite new members, to Announces in Main Team Page, i need a lot History to Traduce into English, and you now about PROGRAMING, C++ dont you?, don't see with a compromise, me neither even Atenmeses can see this as a kind of work. for now we are in Info Document Designing, and emblem.
  18. yes answer to Ludo and Idawin, Thank you Geek, that the way i want make this MOD Showing Step by Step how make it.
  19. wow the armored intimidates me, looks like a Tank, give a bonus armour against defensive buildings. its very intimidate, Seleucid special unit must be similar. nice job.
  20. i was study graphic design . that the key .THANK YOU
  21. hahaha, its true. i copy from hele.json file in the trac
  22. Now we need Collect History Summary for each Faction. now we Focus in Egypt(New Kingdom) and Minoans here are a exaple that i want.
  23. Tip of day, or arrow point with "?" to player know how play, and Embed the videos for a Tutorial "learn to play room, where the player can see tutorial videos in the game without exit to the game".Other Suggestion is implement the Tech tree, but for Technical reasons i don't no if can be interactive/dynamic or static. i like Pureons Tech tree Design, clear too much question, only with see it.
  24. thank you @Sighvatr now the people can initiate a Faction with a Emblem Chech Ptolomies,Nabateans and now the New kingdom Egypt.
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