nice painting, looks like very realistic. you use Hard way, painting from nothing? wow, i can Paint but not at your level, is impressive. congratulation.
thsnks loord good, we planned make the most civilization posibly to all kind gamers are happy. the code name of this packs is the other civs dlc pack. or minifaction. like Dacian, Thracian, Ponto, etc...
i feeling same, about play with roman imperials, but is a long path, is better for now have republicans romans to test it the game, in final part, the context is diferent, and gameplay features will be interesting. specially barbrians and christians
we can see progress and tested with tortoise svn and this create a folder with whole game, and you can update when are changes in the trac: i did mentioned this but nobody comments that, hahaha. i support the idea, with romans siege tower, even carthage had a siege tower. the time frame of roman in part 1 is before marian reform. before jugurtha wars, and "civili bellum" Marius against Sulla.
you can use blender zaphzaph? sorry if i ask this off topic matter, im interesting in reclute some people for bronze mode, and i see your the request to collaborate in documemntation, but is more plus if you can do other skills. apologies again.
for now the desition is our. no other team or group of people are working in this, only our studio. remember: but people you can collaborate is free. independent of if you are in our team or your own team.
ok we need have this document in doc format in google drive, for sharing. after that you can be include in our credits. and i send you a request for be a user in our site.