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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. its like a Metal Gear and Splinter Cell 2d plataformer http://www.youtube.com/embed/z1dLNLji5n0 Download
  2. What is best config for the best Perform for Win 7 32 bits Intel Core Duo 2.00 GHZ chi-set graphic card, 4 gb RAM. Thanks for reply
  3. Its just for Fun Thanks to raulfabi for the illustration.
  4. play Age of empires III a few minutes and don't remember the game has a Gaia warriors or actors that if beaten gives us a treasure, and The Trade post for recruit mercenaries. In AoE Online and Warcraft are these features and we must recruit mercenaries like Total War Series in camping mode.
  5. Download Lion's User Interface Art textures __________________________________ http://www.mediafire.com/?rk3sh10fczlauo2
  6. Hello there how i can change the population limit? how i cant create my own Random maps script? How create my own Ai or mod a existing script?
  7. Problem with Mouse Arrow at 16 bit depth mouse a black box appears instead of mouse arrow
  8. This some interesting ideas from Rise of Nations for 0AD Multitply Kind Random maps Rules or Modes Assasin its Free for All no Alliance no peace Barbarians at the gates its to be Ganged up on (Defend for a Rush) No Rush: the Attacking its no allowed until least one player reaches especific era. etc... victory conditions GUI Diplomacy And Last Conquer Wolrd Campaing
  9. Hi All im Lion a from Honduras (Latin america) and i have a long experience en RST and Rome themed games like Cesar I II III IV y Civ builders. I played Age of Empires Gold Edition Empire Earth Rise of Nations Empire Earth 2 Rome Total War with expansions Medieval 2 TW Rise and Fall Civilizations Rome Universalis (a little) Civilization IV (a little) Ancient Wars Sparta Starcraft 1 & 2 Age of Kings AOM AoE III but love AoE , Rise and Fall CAW, Rise of Nations, Empire Earth and Rome Total War
  10. Introduction Here are many standard ideas, i know are ideas from others RTS and you guys are very creative you can think about with mistrust or suspicion. 1- Chose Tecnologies (AOM & AOE III) We like Choose, and we lived with that, even a Bad decision 1.- Choose type of government like AOE III For Example Romans: Consular or Triunvire or Dictatorial, Praetor, Consultc. or Elect Popularis and Optimates This happens every time, if you upgrade City Phase. For example if you Elects Dictatorial system you must use a determinated Hero like Quintus Fabius. or If you Elect Consular goverment you must Elect Gaius Marius and the Refom Technology, and Special Champion Unit Marius Legionaries. you can convert a Carthage into Kindom from a Republican State. etc Convert a Gaul tribes into a Civilization with unique Governor like Vercingetorix an fight units against roman menace. Why implement? for a Randomness in each game, political decision influxes how you build your city. like AOE series. you want play more and the game arent the same. 2- Replant Farms (Empre Earth) for a cheap amount of gold or wood 3- Diplomacy SYSTEM Improved (Empire Earth 2 & Rise Of Nations) ______________ a Be Your friend (Ally) Dont Attack(or Rush) me for Gold (that dont see in any RTS, if pay gold, the machine dont attack you for a time thats you agree with they ) Give me a units: The Players trade units, The Roman Civ can trade Extraordinarius for Gold or for Elephants. Attack to Faction () e.i the Romans or Iberians etc. You can Attack a Faction for gold or for trade Units Peace for time (in minutes) Betrayed if Your Ally attacks other Allys. like Rome TW you decide will be still friend or enemy or Neutral Allied Victory. both Factions win. Flare for ally's reinforcement. or defends ally Civ Centre. 4- Classic Flare buttons and Practic UI Minimalistic icons and/or Beauty and goog looking New Functional Buttons for GUI. Call to Armas Town Bell buttons Tech Tree Button Flre Button Idle Worker show Active Inactive Civ. Info- example name: Roman Phase town: III, User name Stat Info detailed: Garrinson Cap, Attack, Armor, Speed, etc Attack button this is not same than attack movement. Special Attack Button. convert heal, power button, skill, ramming. etc. Diplomacy Screen Buttons. 6- Taxation A tech Gold for temples and Taxation maybe a Tax building the religion give us money like Trading but this Tech that increase a Gold 2x can you collect. they are many ways to implement. 1- The Temple gives 0.3 more gold for each garrison units and collected gold. 2 Like AOM Worpshipers collected gold very slow (prying for gold but more slow than trade) 3 Trade between Temple and Market. 7- Units and Item for Market a Unit can Convert Enemy units in Slaves Slaves can carry more Resourges than a citizen and a Mercenary capitan for much Gold this can give Exotic Units My idea was a Unit can convert civilian(female) into Slaves For every few enemy citizens you kill, a new citizen appears at your Capitol, assuming you have a Civ Center and are under the pop cap. 8- Pallisades And Palisades Tower for construct Fortsprovides a temporary defense Like Julius Caesar in Gallics Wars thas are implement 9- Treasure defense (AOE Online & Warcraft III) . if you beat a gaia Enemy can gathers treasures. Rebel army in map guard a treasure in Random map. 10- Conquer The World Campaing (Rise of Nations , Total war , Empire Earh III) gameplay long for hours May be will implemented in future. 11- Many types of Games rules. They make the game very flexible and many hours of gameplay. even AOE Online designers know how make the game dont be repetitive. Victory type King Of the Hill Victory for Score Control of Territory Control of Outpost Regicide Destroy Town Center Kill 100 Soldiers or civs Control Relics Wonder Victory Tech Victory(Tech Racing /Evolution) Defend the city/Marvel/Hero from Enemy for time (Countdown)(Rush) Protect the Hero Diplomacy type Melee Free for All Teams custom Deplomacy All against the Strongest (The high numbers of Military units) All against the Rich (the a Lot of Recourses) AI Levels - Scary, Easy,Normal, Hard and Insane Type- Economic, Military, Tech, Turtle Easy AI (Demobot) Turtle AI Rush AI (Qbot) Medium AI Resources variant Deathmatch High Normal Poor None 12- (Rome Total wAr, Rise aNd fall civs At War ) New Siege Units RAM Team ladders SAp Point 13- Civ Inventory System. For Heroes and Healers and others. Equipement Bonus-itmes can incresed stats if you have in your Civs Inventory Better Waepons Bonus Attack Avaible items from Treasures or after Win a Match Relics Treasure 14 Single Click to Walk Double click to Run When Run losses a lot stamina they will implemnted... 15- Custom Civilizations with Custom Tech Tree For the End... 16- Trophies and unlock content that like MS Points and a table of Top Players Equipament for Heroes: The Sword of Alexander, Units Special - Heroes, Pretorians, Prophets, Spies, Champions Units Unlock Campagins, Units, Ai levels, Art, gameplay Titles: Like Megas Alexandros, Title of Empirator, Title of Coqueror, Range of Centurion, Rush Maker, Horde of Gold, God of War, King of Kings (like Mitridates IV) in table of Online Gaming Bonus extra Civs Historical Battles New Updates to Alpha 15 and Beyond I update this topic. I update this topic. Mini factions idea. Train mercenaries in Single player. Special Village Units -Upgrade. Spy, Hunters, Dynasties. In game Session choose a Faction. Upgrade attach buildings- like terrans in starcfraft in order create new units and research technologies. Spot players that lose the civic Centres- Late games.
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