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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. scout and Spy are not same type unit, one is Cloacked the other just a long LOS.i like more the a spy like RON game.
  2. with svn you can have a subversion of game like updated data game.
  3. only ranged . but if they are not Sieg ar not problem.I Take this idea from AOE Rise rome Campaing
  4. try to follow this guide. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/TortoiseSVN_Guide
  5. we need 5th century AD factions as max limit
  6. svn, only graphic desing.ya conoces el trac?. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GettingStartedProgrammers
  7. if you solve that, problem we make a Statue from you XD
  8. What Voices can made you?i think Hebraic for Carthaginian Faction.
  9. Don t forget "k" to put 0AD Logo. in the Screen
  10. and enemy scouts to Assault the wagon. and have the Trasure. you play Zelda Twilight Princess, you must protect a Wagon from Barbarians Goblins, In HBO Rome series(TV) the Optimates rout with a Wagon and Caesars men intercept the wagon and steal the wagon.
  11. its mod in mod its not problem. may be special unloked mod. like Zombie secret mode in some shoters
  12. we can make mod when the project is finish. many guys can add some features from others rts and more civs.
  13. Corsian pirates, Sardinian pirates, etc like Caesars Campaing in AoE 1
  14. where are the point to make zombies? are you talking about Cheeats mode?
  15. try to have Pinned the Main Topic. are Contributor very good and very fasted. Lordgood hi makes many Mauryan buildings
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