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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. no, even scared, iwas and wil use that tools., but is new for me, i need higly understand, but slowly. but i can use it, commit was easy. but sync in my pc , that take 2 hours to read all those comands and know what means.And i Ask again: is in pyrogynesis.Exe where i will put: 0ad -mod=bronze or what??? i dont get that, what put a tuto about what user must have to play the mod. im very visual if i see in screen i know to do. and what is difference between. 0ad-mod=bronze pyrogenesis -mod=bronze i was do that some time when i was install Rise of East. and work but i dont remember.
  2. i read that in Google Git wiki. but, to me use that is hard to actualization(to me), im not Programmer and git clients are not much friendly UI.put some linesof code scareme some,and normal user even more. finally i can download. SF dont accept my password, i must use something named "Fork" to have that files. is in pyrogynesis.Exe where iwill put: 0ad -mod=bronze or what i dont get that, what put a tuto about what user must have to play the mod. im very visual if i see in screen i know to do.
  3. interesthing that good for the git user, you use svn? is almost same thing. we need a public download. by SVn and GIt
  4. we need clear Instalmment for SVN user of 0.A.D like me, i dont use the releases. i want to play too.
  5. @Idawin how we do with this topic? we have that textures too?
  6. not, take greek, tsake Mauryan take roman, long same Proportion.Suqre for is more for persian, Celtinc and Iberian temples.
  7. no, Civ Center maybe? Temple are more long.
  8. no use too much polygons let me do datails to give that visual effecs
  9. profile civ or update the web site?
  10. need civ profile of civilization around Egypt. and actualize our sites. the blog, fb, and all sites. we have yeta svn
  11. im only that give some equipement to record and actitud for acting and edit voices.
  12. if i use svn how use the mod? XD a relly have idea?
  13. hmmmm imagine the bronze mod, and their alphabet, or iconography, i ont know how we can trauce voices if we decide use voice sound for different civs.the iconography is most complex
  14. you must learn and me to but, now you need me at 2D Artist.need more people with Documentation. and not, Idawin we must ask for Models to lordgood.
  15. put the in a Doc.i see the messages in sourceforge.
  16. uh, the guy zaphzaph knows, the units. but in my knowledge is here: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17019&st=20#entry265492
  17. ? i dont get it?, put in 3d model dont is it?
  18. Link:https://www.dropbox.com/sh/63d43j5ci7qi456/O9IHrRlrVy
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