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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. huh, i agree with this but you know is a lot of work for Enrique and you XD. even finding sources for art.
  2. take easy finish with Carthaginian, and we see what are left XD. for obviously reason do Iberians to next.
  3. What you mean? Can be more hellenistic kingdoms in the game.
  4. you need that size or original size the emblem? because im not found the original. but must be a Google Drive resource account or a DVd with my old stufff
  5. Re: Ptolemaic Egypt - units roster I suggest to improve a few things and it will be fine: - Remove makeup. This makeup painted by the members of the court of Pharaoh, and a few hundred years earlier. Even in the times of the Pharaohs soldiers didn't have this makeup, so in the later Hellenistic times, too. - Add more variety of hats, including a couple of helmets. They can wear helmets, as they have Macedonian shields. Add to diversity, because this white hat gives the impression of uniformity. - Instead of makeup, you can spice up faces with beards and long hair. You don't need to do make-up faces were different. total war center
  6. The last are roman but can be hellenistic legionary, the 3th I was thought a Celtic mercenarie. But second that are marine Seleucid symbol, I'm not Hellenistic fan.
  7. The money corrups everything good that human does. -------------- New mods http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?619956-Legionaires-Eastern-Armies-Mod-(Pontus-Ptolemaics)-UPD-19-09-2013
  8. I agree love Latín and greek, even Persian sound a cools.
  9. God that was shame for CA poor game. They crush with the review whole dignity that game had.
  10. But Scandinavia had some village in time frames or culture? Nobodies live in Nordic land between 500 - 1 BC and 1AD 500. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweden Or Norway Little has been found dating from the early Iron Age (the last 500 years BC). The dead were cremated, and their graves contain few burial goods. During the first four centuries AD the people of Norway were in contact with Roman-occupied Gaul. About 70 Roman bronze cauldrons, often used as burial urns, have been found. Contact with the civilised countries farther south brought a knowledge of runes; the oldest known Norwegian runic inscription dates from the 3rd century. At this time the amount of settled area in the country increased, a development that can be traced by coordinated studies of topography, archaeology, and place-names. The oldest root names, such as nes, vik, and bø ("cape," "bay," and "farm"), are of great antiquity, dating perhaps from the Bronze Age, whereas the earliest of the groups of compound names with the suffixes vin ("meadow") or heim ("settlement"), as in Bjorgvin (Bergen) or Saeheim (Seim), usually date from the 1st century AD.
  11. Both for different for gamers . Historical Campaing and the TBS "rewrite the history" I love change history.
  12. Tactics technologies, when need battalion formation first. But I agree with that, can be best feature in battle. I say many times to the team. But we need improved things before that, example pathfinder.
  13. Some time i think same, is necessary, but not highly needle for now, we can wait to reply, but if was reply they come to check what we post.
  14. You have enoghut time, the second part is beyond of 2014. And you can use desing document to start and propose that.
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