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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. welcome, I say my opinion and my experience in the forums. - Mesopotamian Units for Persians (something i personally would like). // which units? - Triggers in editor. //there no are triggers in game, but is planned obviously - Germanic Civic. / /they can introduced in the Second Part. - Graphic building construction in phases instead of a rising buiding from clay or sand. //You can post a explain of how?(other game) - A research building for each civic with its own special/unique Technologies. //Planned , you can searching in the forum. Or a research building like rise of nations Library with standard technologies improvise stats and economy. //no I think no all tech must researching and library. - A governemental building with the possibility to choose a political way like Rise of Nations. //I propose this and I fail, put if you can do best than me. - Generals with an inspire bonus on nearby units (i think i saw this somewhere on the forum in early state) you are lucky with this, we start to do this with aura systems. - Recruiting generals and assign an army or garrison to it. And give it an AI function to attack the enemy. //Praetorians? - Recruit a chieftain, major or governor who inspires economy/gather rates, and give him an amount of resources/treasury to spend on training villagers and city defense. // I Iike but , other says: too micromanagement - Recruit a 'Grand Commander' or 'Military Inspector' who recruits armies for you and builds (strategic) defences. Technology ? - Rare resources which give bonusses when settling a merchant at it (Rise of Nations). // Good but that can fit with Campaing mode. - Mercenaries or raiders/invaders randomly showing on the map. Mercenaries to hire. And invaders or local raiders who raid a town. // check my posts about mini factions , we can discuss that. - Capturing a City Centre by reducing its hitpoints to 80% (Fate of the Dragon, Eidos Games) and all buildings in that town are converted. It's alot like Rise of Nation's cities. - Ability to demand tribute from an AI or you will attack him. // that request a advanced Ai diplomacy, not for now, but don't worry is planned. - Building spikes as defense. - The ability (like AoM godpowers) make a soldier tell a speech to a marching army which gives them stronger hp or atk or speed. Or boost production temporarly with higher salary for one month, which will be like 3 minutes ingame w/e. Micromanaging are not welcome, sorry. - Conscripting femalevillagers into soldiers (Scythians if they will be in the game, or for the Romans training Sarmatian Virgin Archers or Virgin Cavalry) // for some factions. Planned too. - Ability to choose a certain god at the temple who gives bonusses and new units like TotalWar campaigns. I love this, thst in to year I never see this idea. Lion K. welcome to the forums.
  2. That was a unit mackup, the gameplay for Campaing is not finish yet, even the team are not worked or decided for what type of Campaing they will do.
  3. we are stopped, we need volunteers and civ designers and two programmers. Or wait to Beta or beyond.
  4. In the lástima weekend i see the Ai not match for me, even Qbot and Aegis Bot, dont attack me in hard. And dont expand them. Before was to hard for me matching against them, my last great battle with Aegis was several weeks ago.
  5. I don't want to discuss the Campaing, I love more the strategic map, the stories is old school but is no addictive but I don't want cut off from the game,e en is more easily to do than Campaing Strategic Map. And I can be identified with you Oshron, I respect you as RTs veteran gamer. For a moment in the previous reply almost say about heroes. But what you say the heroes not represent all dynasties, is right. But would be interesting do something similar, you enjoy AoM, you remember when pass the age select a minor god? And if I want Select a Dynasty for have a bonus, and for each game each I select one and play with the bonus, technologies, wonders, Special buildings. Etc. I don't expect convert this game in RTW, because the builder RTS is more funny. Each game have own features. But Barcid Dynasty sounds petty cool XD. I love deep into the history.
  6. it's a idea an can be part in second part, I don't mind if somebody want changes or do other perspective to ideas, the idea is link to a Historic family name or famous Character. I have to admit i don't if thethe Iberians and Celts have some Dynasties. But was great idea by CA Team of Total War Developers included this way the Topic. Of leadership in Total war. Now if we can create a political atmosphere that is historical correct , why not do it. The people sometimes can see Innovation and changes and ideas, even if can be possibly. Persian -Achaemenid Dynastid. Macedons Antigone Dynasty Seleucid Dynasty Ptolemaic Dynasty Romans Julia Junia Cornelia Even Claudia Later empire: Flavian. But we can puts antagonist of those ones. In civil wars are two o more dynasties fighting each other. Even the Persian have some Civil War in Achaemenid days. now the question is? Is possibly have a application beyond Total War concept Campaing? And how. Even Protoss in Starcraft have Faction into the races, Even Protoss have many tribes. And that give some immersion into a deep story. Is misc element. even can put some Dynasty symbols in multiplayer to represent ( in the flag of rally point). Other Element is to access to alternates units and structures and Civ bonus. the Persisn have for example a Building that are not in the regular Rms and the Greeks have the Stoa and others.
  7. today I saw some videos in the RTW 2 see You can choose a main faction I Campaign map, next you can choose a Dynasty to play, in Romans you choose, Julia, Cornelia and Junia. The Carthaginian choose Magoid, Hannoid and Barca. And all main faction have that. I was thought about choose the bonus and wonders depending to the a Dynasty and in same way, have special buildings and unlocks others units. [spolier]
  8. This topic start and another topic. But that user get mad with the user Unarmed and me. Because they thinks is too much off topic, our discuss and when writte I was some angry, so don't, writte properly and I write in Spanish if you don't understand me in English. Lo que paso aqui es que un tipo en otro post se enojó por que discutimos una alternativa más viable. A su pobre punto de vista. Este sujeto quiere cambiar algo, escrito en piedra, lo que digo es quitar el pilar de Los citizen soldiers 0.A.D. Y pueda que tenga razón, amo este foro, tanto como los desarrolladores. Ahora entiendo porque la gente no se anima a entrar aquí e intentar hablar otro idioma. Creo que lo justo es que me expulsen si no me soportan. Yo hago lo que puedo para colaborar, hasta daría bastante dinero. Pero no. Y eso que insensible a mucho que hablan español a hacerlo. Ahora me arrepiento. La única forma que terminen con mi adicción a este juego es que me Expulsen.
  9. In first AOE the animals be rotten and eventually fade out from map.
  10. CIA paid me for post here.

  11. would be nice if you put all in a capture, for the fans page thank you Miket.
  12. Well unarmed we can talk here, about other civilian. The guy don't understand the main feature of 0ad are the citizen soldiers. Even me can hard yo play they way. That why we have a Mod forum. We are talk about advanced citizen that are more complex than citizen soldier. spy/assasin. Merchant are already in the game is best example. Fisherman too. Diplomatic. And want sell this, may be as eye candy. Engineer. That can mix of scientist. helaer exist but can have abilities per faction. Example some can do surgery other can fight... Etc.
  13. If you don't like a main features of the game you can change it, its simple. Go to mod forum. Thank I can do better in the future, and i want you forgive me, please. And check this. this. http://play0ad.com/5-working-with-units/ Pd: have nice day .
  14. Yeah , but for now we are stopped , and I'm waiting for idawin and atemneses. Or new fans. But I'm mostly interesting into Main game.
  15. Yeah but game can enjoy all. And is very delicate topic. And yes I'm not religious but, I respect the believes of others. And they Ancestral culture.
  16. paradox makes Many Tbs games, like Europa Universalis, Iron hearts, etc.
  17. 0AD start with primitive concept, and finish it spectacular. The beast whys is or Paradox or Civilization , the basic idea is have the better from both. tbs and Rts. Carding game only gives some more tactical like Ron.
  18. You can prepare a Video, for that game in order to expose why, because I don't have an idea what can offer.
  19. Civilization is a good example of a BTS and visually the GUI is very beautiful, when Age of empires was released, all people thinks was mix between Civilization and Warcraft , when RON released all people thinks has a mix between Civilization and AoE. XD I don't play this Civ V. But looks interesting. They best games was made it with love,no for money. Hahaha XD.
  20. But is more complex than a match gameplay. That because the micromanagement. And I suggest play a Paradox game. Is very complex and difficult. I try to play that Seven Kingdoms but , can I play that game run in Win XP or 7?
  21. Good day people, see what say the Spanish gamers about the game.
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