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Balancing Advisors
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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. You can Start now https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/0ad/ ask to Gallaecio(Project to translates) the Turkish, Welcome to the Forums, we are do it this for free.
  2. He comenzado ha traducir. Necesito revisión constante, hay unas palabras difíciles de traducir con una sola palabra en español. Yes y otras como "Rate" que cuesta traducir, así que yo uso promedio, pero no sé ustedes.
  3. i'll try this today, i post for not missing the topic. i found this: http://cgcookie.com/downloads/contours-retopology-tool/
  4. I like feel strong structure, only are missing props may be spears.
  5. And last dint try naval or a settlement that have around a defensive wall, like Iberians the Ai can reach the cc and do a hard lag, in new alpha we able to attack the walls again.
  6. Gallaecio how works that, may be I can try and encourage someone ? What I need to start?
  7. Very good, excellent looks so strong. Whst are left now, the blacksmith?
  8. We can't use mix culturas that dint great battle etc. Remember we are chosen the most important. And split Alamanni and Franks. After 15 alpha can be good idea a survey or a pool. To know what are doing right and whst are wrong obviusly our target can be old school player and leave the casual. Sorry for topic off but, I'm thinking how the game as progress with last alphas and optimization and feedback from fundraiser. Go back with topic. We have 12 factions empires besieged (0ADEB).
  9. In my case is 150 with aegis in forest maps. Try Qbot , normal maps, 1 v1 the path fined and the Ai gives the most lag for now but we have programmers working in this.
  10. Good turret, with barrack can be more tiny the merlon. Like Persian. The textures with all buildings can be more gray than yellow is the way to mix with some Greek buildings. May be use a tool to desaturated yellow only. I like the progress. And with some skirmish and the hunt system is excellent, like age of empires.
  11. Not yet , we are creating language manager or system to do it. Search for Internationalization .
  12. Official factions: 1Saxons 2 Goths 3 Sarmatians 4 Huns 5 Germans 6 Parthians 7,8,9. And three roman factions.
  13. How you doing with your mod? In your mod your apply many this concepts right? Good news was implemented Sanders ticket with some changes
  14. Again its too many the game can have 13 factions no exactly y but approximately .
  15. But if that true we don't make a faction for that.
  16. Hunting is optional, the micromanaging that is optional it is. For example if the troop have poor Heath and I have enough money to train healer I need garrisons in a temple, but is optional. Is a game where's the war in the way hunting is not but is one path to have more food.
  17. Perfect. So what the problem? I see this post discussing but I don't know why.
  18. And in Spanish we called o them celtas... So you say my word celta is for Vikings?
  19. Caesar was there in a century before Claudius Campaign.
  20. Celtics from Roman Province 50AD ? So the Roman calling this celts Britons from Britania?
  21. The point is...now we have skirmish mode now, that maps can be great . Why? Because aren't enough skirmish maps and are easy to do. Only needs a good terrains.
  22. Yo lo vi, jaja, deberías de ver lo que hace el italiano.
  23. Tejano? Y con padres de donde? Puede pasar. Juraba qué eras argentino. Eso de lucho suena Argentino. Aún que es común en Latinoamérica lo de Lucho.
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