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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. In a few words, it is changing the symmetry of the factions. Changing semi champion units and some historical units because of how powerful they were in their time as battle-hardened, besides having double role. •double role(attack) • champion asymmetry
  2. More AoE examples. In AoE2 English bowmen are the best range, Mayan are more damage and Rattan the most armor. The other thing would be to make the champions more unique between factions by making them asymmetrical to that of another faction. What is the difference, for example, between the cavalry champion Ptolemy and the others of the same role? Or the Roman champion and the Iberian? In each between unique units, some are better than others because of their unique bonuses.
  3. Watching these combat videos of AoE 2 vs Aoe I. Then it came to my mind that there are units in some mods and in the game that change roles. I am thinking that 0 AD should still go a little further and I know that this is not achieved overnight, so I am thinking that you should have three or four units per faction that serve as somewhat differentiated units, although having enough similar factions could be repeated certain of these units perhaps with a different bonus to be completely different from each other. For example, Mauryan and Persian( includes Seleucids) war chariots must have a double purpose. Be both a missile chariot and a shock chariot cavalry that competes with the Lancer. Since some patches are missing, they should have a switch to change unit type like immortals do. Obviously this role is also played by the war elephant. I know I've already said this, it's all I've already mentioned in previous posts. But we would start to include certain infantry units that are almost semi-champions or mercenaries in this process. There are some units in this game that have a double roll of both projectile and shock( melee combat) The Antesignanus for example is such a unit. For example, something that would give it a plus would be that elite archers will fight with knives. They would be the only ones just because they are champions, I am thinking, for example, of the Kushites archers. I remember here there is a unit that carries a silver shield It would be very interesting if the Macedonian champion can change from being a kind of hoplite to becoming a swordman. I don't remember if you are going to have a unit that could fulfill a double role.The marine maybe? The camels would be excellent if they had a dual role so they would make it a kind of special unit, The Egyptian camels could fight with sword and bow. In the Carthaginians, the payroll cavalry could fulfill that role. In the Britons, druids could also fulfill that role, being a healing unit and a battle unit at the same time. With the Iberians and Romans I honestly don't know what to do. Maybe with the champion cavalry of the Iberians that has melee combat. The Romans mentioned the antisignani but that is still an optional unit The Chinese may have exactly the same ability as war chariots. I don't know if the Gauls could have any unit that is a javelin and then a spear. The Spartans can have the Ekdromos as a sword and spear unit. The Persian cavalry could also switch to fighting with bows. I think Lancer also falls into that same Iranian dichotomy.
  4. I have the strong impulse that while bb_ creates the second attack patch, certain units, not all or the majority, just some , have a dual role. That they can change weapons. I put it here because I plan to open the topic.
  5. By the way... It was a mod ( AoE 2 original) converted into a DLC. But the mod was cooler because have slinger upgrade. Rome's Returns>>>>Return of Rome.
  6. The making of AoE. I think this video can help us all to see how simple the classic games of yesteryear were, much simpler than their pretentious modern versions. I love seeing the rustic sketches from the ensemble studios art team.
  7. I managed to upload it to YOUTUBE via Telegram. Saved by InstantMediaBot Combat between a Hispanic and a Mexica at the time of the conquest. On one side is the Mexica with a cuatepoztli (helmet) quetzapazactli or helmet of crest of... | By Defending Hispanics in MexicoFacebook Combat between a Hispanic and a Mexica at the time of the conquest. On one side is the Mexica with a cuatepoztli (helmet) quetzapazactli or quetzal crest helmet, macuahuitl, a chimalli and a jaguar tlahuiztli. On the other side a Hispanic wearing sayo, buckler, arming sword, a gorjal and a skull cap helmet. It should be clarified that far from being strictly a sparring, it is rather a scenic exhibition and therefore blunt weapons are used.
  8. https://www.facebook.com/nuevosbardos/videos/1582667849168498/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v
  9. The problem is that times are bad in the West because of inflation on the one hand, so people have to spend more time surviving, on the other hand for young people this game is not what it is popular , by that I mean the RTS genre. I don't know if this game can be promoted in North America. I have the feeling that young people(gen Z and alpha) are not interested in these types of games. In Latin America it is always in fashion and even more so if you add a civ from the continent or see an exotic civ from Asia. In Asia things are changing and power is shifting towards prosperity but it is not like they are not connected to West.
  10. The type of people is like the dark web but the control that the Discord team has is like that of big tech. It is very pro-censorship, but it should allow illegal things.
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