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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. I found an illustration that might help. In the illustration they wear trousers and long sleeves, the rest of the outfit is Roman, except the Shield. In the middle of the illustration there appears to be a tribal chief. According to the image, this illustration is from the battle of Vercellae. Illustration by Igor Dzis
  2. A cape would end the problem of player color. It would be more obvious and noticeable.
  3. Sounds interesting.The problem is that in the long run they will not be the only Germans who have taken such a step with the Celts and Hellenes. But this is how faction designs begin. They will be divided in the future. I would like to have a mechanic like AoE III Instead of an imperial Gallic helmet, use a Montefortino helmet but fully decorated and with a long plume.
  4. I understand that, but it is difficult without adapting the units to the Bronze Age. Fortunately 0 A.D at some point its versions will have other Bronze Age and Middle Age civilizations to cover more history. That's what mods are for, one day they could be an expansion of the game.
  5. But that is the Trojan War, that is many centuries, to say the least.
  6. The question would be how many Linux users are using these stores like gog or steam? ++++ https://www.gog.com/forum/general/some_statistics_on_linux_and_mac_on_gog I found something here. And... Some related. https://docs.gog.com/linux-guidelines/ By the way.
  7. It is necessary to differentiate a map for hunting and maps for agriculture. There are maps where there are both, that's why I said that there are symbiosis between livestock and crops. The other way is fishing, but it is limited. Arctic map is a map limited by something you can't survive without advanced technology.
  8. It would be nice to make several mods of mechanics like this, so the concept can be tested.
  9. Taranto was founded in 706 BC by Dorian immigrants hailing from Sparta. Its origins are peculiar: the founders were Partheniae, sons of unmarried Spartan women and perioeci (free men, but not citizens of Sparta); these unions were decreed by the Spartans to increase the number of soldiers (only the citizens of Sparta could become soldiers) during the bloody First Messenian War, but later they were nullified, and the sons were forced to leave. There are some doubts about Taranto being of Spartan origin. Another tradition indicates Taras himself as the founder of the city; the symbol of the Greek city (as well as of the modern city) is Taras riding a dolphin. [...]In its beginning, Taranto was a monarchy, probably modelled on the one ruling over Sparta; around 492 BC king Aristophilides ruled over the city. The expansion of Taranto was limited to the coast because of the resistance of the populations of inner Apulia. In 472 BC, Taranto signed an alliance with Rhegion, to counter the Iapygian tribes of the Messapians and Peucetians, and the Oscan-speaking Lucanians (see Iapygian-Tarentine Wars), but the joint armies of the Tarentines and Rhegines were defeated near Kailia, in what Herodotus. claims to be the greatest slaughter of Greeks in his knowledge, with 3,000 Reggians and uncountable Tarentines killed. In 466 BC, Taranto was again defeated by the Iapygians; according to Aristotle,[5] who praises its government, there were so many aristocrats killed that the democratic party was able to get the power, to remove the monarchy, inaugurate a democracy, and expel the Pythagoreans. Thus; Tarentum became an aristocratic republic, and became democratic when the ancient nobility dwindled. ++++ We can say that it is a expansion of the settlement of Tarentum. By the way, here is what I told you about the colonizing ethnic groups. Dorics Achaeans Ionics North West Greeks.
  10. https://stockton.edu/hellenic-studies/documents/chs-summaries/cargill91.pdf I found this, under the title: Athenian colonies. I think we should look for other colonies, even if they are from the large Greek ethnic groups.
  11. Exactly. I wanted to know how much participation (Market share)there is in video game stores on Linux?
  12. Yes, but it depends on the treatment. https://daily.jstor.org/a-history-of-human-waste-as-fertilizer/ Urine decomposes much more easily in the environment. The process with feces is more complex. Apart from that, it is dangerous to contaminate a water source. Something simpler would sometimes be that land is valuable simply for the sake of being able to cultivate it, not just for the extraction of resources.(Minerals). It adds a layer of handicap but with the resources that the game has, such as animals and plants, it can improve the natural capacity of the soil. Civilizations developed near water sources and where they had domesticable animals. These are maps of the origins of crops. Origins of Agriculture. Vavilov’s original map of the origins of agriculture ( 1 ) Mexico-Guatemala, ( 2 ) Peru-Ecuador-Bolivia, ( 2A ) Southern Chile, ( 2B ) Southern Brazil, ( 3 ) Mediterranean, ( 4 ) Middle East, ( 5 ) Ethiopia, ( 6 ) Central Asia, (7) Indo-Burma, ( 7A ) Siam-Malaya-Java, ( 8 ) China. (Image from Wikimedia Commons) Animal Domestication.
  13. Founded around 582 BC by Greek colonists from Gela,[3] Agrigento, then known as Akragas. The Sicels were one of the original inhabitants of Sicily but their territory was slowly shrinking due to the expansion of the Greek colonies on the island, mainly Syracuse and Akragas. However, in the 450s BCE they had grown in power under a leader named Ducetius, who had united the Sicel territory under his rule. He was originally an ally of Syracuse, helping them in a war against Catana. However, as he grew in power, and also began to expand into Greek territory, Syracuse became concerned. When Ducetius attacked the other major Sicilian Greek power Akragas, the city asked Syracuse for help and Syracuse agreed.[2] Fielding 6,000 men along with 900 cavalry, the united Greek force commanded by Bolcon of Syracuse advanced towards Ducetius's army, which was besieging the stronghold Motyon (Motya) and met him in battle there.[2] Recognising that he was at a numerical disadvantage, Ducetius launched a surprise attack against the Greeks at dawn and completely routed them, allowing his army to capture Motyon.[3] Bolcon was accused of colluding with Ducetius and was subsequently executed. The Greeks regrouped over winter and launched a second assault in the spring of 450. Akragas moved to retake Motyon while Syracuse, who were probably fielding their full remaining army of around 4,500 to 5,500 troops, moved to engage Ducetius. The forces met at Nomae and the Greeks gained a victory this time. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Nomae
  14. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sicels I don't know if they are related. The Sicels (/ˈsɪkəlz, ˈsɪsəlz/ SIK-əlz, SISS-əlz; Latin: Sicelī or Siculī) were an Indo-European tribe who inhabited eastern Sicily, their namesake, during the Iron Age. They spoke the Siculian language. After the defeat of the Sicels at the Battle of Nomae in 450 BC and the death of Sicel leader Ducetius in 440 BC, the Sicel state broke down and the Sicel culture merged into Magna Graecia. Sicel leader, Ducetius, was able to create an organised Sicel state as a unitary domain in opposition to Greek Syracusa, including several cities in the central and south of the island. After a few years of independence, in 450 BC, his army was defeated by the Greeks in the Battle of Nomae and he died ten years later. Without his charisma, the movement collapsed and the increasingly Hellenized culture of the Sicels lost its distinctive character. But in the winter of 426/5 Thucydides noted the presence among the allies of Athens in the siege of Syracuse of Sicels who had "previously been allies of Syracuse, but had been harshly governed by the Syracusans and had now revolted". (Thucydides 3.103.1) Aside from Thucydides, the Greek literary sources on Sicels and other pre-Hellenic peoples of Sicily are to be found in fragmentary scattered quotes from the lost material of Hellanicus of Lesbos and Antiochus of Syracuse
  15. The descendants of the first colonists, called Gamoroi, held power until they were expelled by the lower class of the city assisted by Cyllyrians, identified as enslaved natives similar in status to the helots of Sparta.[18][19] The former, however, returned to power in 485 BC, thanks to the help of Gelo, ruler of Gela. Gelo himself became the despot of the city, and moved many inhabitants of Gela, Kamarina and Megara to Syracuse, building the new quarters of Tyche and Neapolis outside the walls. Here is material for the following maps. Enemies and above all a conflict to resolve. About Cyllyrians: After this stroke of good fortune, Gelon brought back from the town of Casmena to Syracuse both the so-called landed gentry of Syracuse, who had been driven into exile by the common people, and their slaves, the Cyllyrians. He then took possession of that city also, for the Syracusan common people surrendered themselves and it to Gelon at his coming. Herodotus, with an English translation by A. D. Godley. Cambridge. Harvard University Press. 1920. https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.01.0126%3Abook%3D7%3Achapter%3D155%3Asection%3D2
  16. I am not opposed to Syracuse idea, it will be the same, but there must be enemies for it to be functional.
  17. Some sources speak of 734 BC: Syracuse was settled about 734 bce by Corinthians led by the aristocrat Archias, and the city soon dominated the coastal plain and hill country beyond. The original Greek settlers of the city formed an elite (gamoroi), while the Sicel natives (Siculi) worked the land as an oppressed class. https://www.britannica.com/place/Syracuse-Italy
  18. it dates back long after the first campaigns. There is also already an Alexander's campaign in progress. Furthermore, Alexander did not found cities until after many battles. Mostly in Asia. Aristotle was not Alexander's only tutor. The problem is that the Athenians, Spartans and Persians all date from before 500 BC. The only relevant fact is this one regarding a city in Greece. "Refugees from Teos resettle Abdera". https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdera,_Thrace https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/5th_century_BC In 499 the Ionian rebellion begins. There is not much history before 499 BC.
  19. Watch the Empirre Earth video and it looks like our idea.
  20. https://empireearth.fandom.com/wiki/Learning_Campaign Empire Earth Learning campaign. Again, history is not as relevant as in the campaigns.
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