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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. What I meant was that user1 does not get involved with things related to the forum.
  2. I don't have any problem only giving some information. The important thing is that the serifs give a classic psychological touch and not modern as the sans serifs give. Gives more that classical felling. Indeed is better.
  3. User1 isnt mod here , only in the game Lobby. You can ask for @feneur
  4. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/timeline The task for this alpha are more huge. Check timeline.
  5. Yes but it depends we are talking about books. I need time to argue about this. Are many variables to take in consideration .
  6. I agree with the spam of soldiers is kind annoying
  7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4612630/ Always it depends what are you using the fonts.
  8. You can use shortcuts. There one but isnt a good one. Pause key No is useful and it can takes lot of development and pc resources Performance... No limited this isnt good for the game. The game have many shortcuts to do this or move the camera. I agree I suggested more variety . We talk about similar idea with quarries. ???? Huh? Like what? You mean more technologies? Planned but still hard and far to the current development. We are doing that but is great idea , im not sure with the performance. I disagree with the first. You need which units are better destroying a CC with pikemen you or archer you can because their type of damage. With rams I agree. Is working at last in SVN A24 This isnt a bug. Some animals arent animated yet... So isnt a bug.
  9. Helvetica is quit perfect but in a heavy block of text the serifs are better. https://www.nickkolenda.com/font-psychology/
  10. Arial is a bad copy of Helvectica. Birth of Arial In 1982 Robin Nicholas and Patricia Saunders created the Arial typeface for Monotype and labeled it Neo Grotesque. Essentially it’s an “original” design that just happens to share exactly the same proportions and weight as another typeface, as stated by Mark Simonson. In other words, it’s a copy with very few differences to be able to call it a unique typeface.
  11. Yes Indroduction to graphic desing class. I know the origin.
  12. because are hard to read on screen unlike printed.
  13. Will be necessary or kind add more biomes. Map around of world.
  14. A lot of things to do, the game even have many planned features. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameplayFeatureStatus
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