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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. Any Windows like in PC is good. I don't like to use terminals
  2. my plan is to add a couple of propos as a kind of mini plaza. The back requires a couple of things because there is literally nothing.
  3. we can use something slightly inspired, but nothing that is copyrighted .
  4. Lorica Segmentata was not yet used in Alesia.
  5. https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armée_romaine_des_origines_à_la_fin_de_la_République
  6. the Rome that appears in the game is middle republican Rome. Between the Punic wars and the reform of Gaius Marius. You are asking for imperial Romen units.
  7. I haven't finished it yet, I haven't made a version that works for the game.
  8. It depends what you want to do, the game is similar to other RTS in that case. You hold shift then start collecting berries then click of wood, then they will go for wood after finish first task. Same happen with buildings. I think that whenever I play I do that .
  9. No había Seleucidas, Ptolomeos,Macedonios, Espartanos,Atenienses, Britanos y Galos. Todos los griegos eran una sola facción , los celtas, etc...por ende los Iberos nadie se tomó la molestia de separarlos. Por ende nadie los entendía. Fuera del mundo de la península nadie hablaba de ellos.
  10. El juego empezó , con Celtas, Helenos, Iberos (A6)...
  11. I did not know that there was an Byzantine Emperor of Khazar origin. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leo_IV_the_Khazar The Khazars would be the Avar faction?
  12. I thought you had something already, I understand, we would have to speak it well, you know. Hopefully convince our team.
  13. the game is from the creators of Empire Earth and Empires Dawn of Modern Age. Rick Goodman. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rick_Goodman
  14. Podrías hacer la variantes de pinos mesoamericanos?
  15. This topica, I'm afraid, has little to do with our art development, that's why we have the maps sub-forum. https://wildfiregames.com/forum/forum/384-scenario-designmap-making/
  16. Imperator of Rome from Paradox Games. It is very complex depends on population units. Which in turn depends on the territory and development in that territory.
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