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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. We must go for asymmetry. I want all cultures to represent weakness and strength, true diversity.(Not the one sold to you by the elitist from WEF).
  2. sin mencionar .. germanos, romanos imperiales; hasmoneos,númidas, tracios e ilirios.
  3. La gran tierra. esa es la idea. eso significa Terra magna. lo ultimo no depende del mod.
  4. Yes, but when I suggested it to wow and he either didn't understand or didn't like the idea.
  5. I prefer not to restrict players. it is only an economical alternative and easy to do but difficult to defend. It is to avoid the territory mechanics being so restrictive.
  6. it is a problem to design something like this. in the player's mind should be easy to recognise. the game is not always going to be a museum, sometimes it has to have that practical part.
  7. also ancient mining and quarrying needs water
  8. It is an excuse to expand the territory and obtain resources. it does not depend on a civic centre.
  9. yes. my inspiration comes from the citybuilders Caesar II and II and Pharaoh. even stronghold crusader but I needed to think about something rural. The most primitive I saw myself travelling around my country.
  10. I have thought of it as integrated with territorial mechanics. PD: villages start with small things, some pictures I took of the village where my girlfriend's parents are living.
  11. that seems perfect to me. It is one of the variations that he thought to make like the ones that the Arabs and nomads of the desert in the Middle East had. Obviously your example is bigger.
  12. Do you have a picture? or an example.I am visual, I understand more by seeing.
  13. europeans historically hate turkic peoples and jews. they have made exterminations(genocide) even early as the middle ages. the topic about the Khazarians is closed if you check it.
  14. if you have an asian equivalent it would be good, for now I use a generic design. is more a water spring. almost a well(很好).
  15. European antisemitism. There are people who accuse the Jews of being Khazars.
  16. Nope. A lot of code is still required for these factions. Pre colonial mod is only pre Colombian civs. Mesoamerican is highly required by fans.
  17. Mesoamerican techs. They won't let you create this.
  18. tenia esa idea de traer las civs de wow's a terra magna.
  19. estaba practicando con esta mascara. es mas tardia pero esta bien para practicar.
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