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Balancing Advisors
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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. @wowgetoffyourcellphone ideas. what kind of sacrifices?
  2. this weapon could be used as a cheap carambit-style combat unit.
  3. the first and last ones can be improved. Tabasco ( can I call you that?) why don't we design and expand the whole tree of generic technologies (meaning those that belong to a broad group of civilisations)?
  4. I've been wanting to bring a karambit-type unit for a while now.
  5. my point of view is that dagger is a long knife, not even a sword.
  6. there should be a competitive mode. That way we don't get into these controversies.
  7. Let's improve the deal. What if only infantry have this ability? Except fire cavalry of course.
  8. you just have to give fire less stats but better than pierce damage and cut damage.
  9. We are not going to replace it, in any case, to capture the ideas that I brought from Empire Earth 2. A16
  10. We'll see... a lot of people ask for them.
  11. not all of them are easy to set on fire, a market is not the same as a wall.
  12. that one should go in the CC and be almost cannon fodder, a trash unit. less attack than a swordman and less cost. good defence mediocre attack.
  13. It depends on the building, there are buildings like the sentry tower that would burn along with the garrisoned units.
  14. I have a question, aren't these weapons modifications of field tools? They look like tools like scythes turned into weapons.
  15. here's are more references if we do a second part with the Kofun period. https://imtw.ru/topic/8424-feodalnaya-yaponiya/page__st__20
  16. scout, hunter unit riding a pony would be a better alternative to the korean mercenary. the korean mercenary would be left for the embassy. Ainu horse mercenary archer suit well.
  17. This mercenary unit. in rags. still longer range right?
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