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Everything posted by Mythos_Ruler

  1. I agree. And if we ever finish Part 1 of the game, then I have some plans for post-release content patches that would rectify this problem.
  2. We won't give you the watermark until we come up with some kind of webkit, but it's not like you couldn't swipe it from an existing screenshot.
  3. For some reason I have never been able to import a Collada file into 3DS Max either. Hopefully someone can have some insight for both of us.
  4. Archers will be highly inaccurate at extreme range, so take that into account.
  5. The majority of the Greek and Macedonian armies were highly armed and focused on melee combat. The majority of the Persian army were lightly armed and focused on ranged combat. Read my posts again - I already acknowledged the Persians had some heavy units. BTW: How's that Persian Chariot coming along?
  6. Yeah, you can just span a new segment.
  7. By best cavalry we're talking about more cavalry technologies available and things like that. With better cavalry will also come extra cost, don't forget. Things are balanced in many ways. Archers that shoot farther also have fewer hitpoints (Persian Infantry have fewer HPs). So things balance. Persians will have a good econ because of trade, which is a vulnerable way to get resources.
  8. The Battle of the Persian Gates is one of Alexander's battles that is usually forgotten. It was kind of like Thermopylae in reverse! Anyway, I don't think anyone is saying the Persian soldiers are crap. However, on average they had less armor and focused mainly on long-range tactics (their bowmen were rightly feared). In 0 A.D. they will have the farthest shooting archers and best cavalry in the game. Infantry (two-legged) units will generally have lower HPs and consequently will train faster than other infantry. They will get a +10% (-ish) pop cap bonus, so they can train a lot more soldiers than other factions. They will have an excellent economy as well. Overall they will be a very strong faction that has the capability to overwhelm enemies if used skillfully.
  9. There's still a lot of work left to do. Thanks for the encouragement, m8!
  10. Peace, my friend. I said their conscripts from subject nations were poorly trained. When we say the "Persian army was poorly trained" we are talking about the tens of thousands of farmers and traders conscripted to fight. The Persian army was made up of more than just Persians. It included Phrygians, Cappadocians, Carians, Parthians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Hyrcanians, Egyptians, Phoenicians, Medians, Scythians, Baktrians, Elamites, etc. Many of the infantry had no formal military training and wore little armor - preferring the bow, javelin, and sling to actual hand-to-hand combat. The Persian national forces however, the Anusiya and various Median contingents were highly trained and wore excellent scale armor. The Baktrian horsemen were excellent light and heavy cavalry. The heavy cavalry wore excellent armor on the rider and horse. However, as I said, the vast majority of their armies were light armed skirmishers. We certainly have not let '300' color our view of the Persians. It's a fun movie for what it is - mindless action; but historically very inaccurate. Indeed, there is really no evidence that the Persians actually used elephants in battle. However, elephants are such cool units, it's hard not to include them. Your English is not bad. Someone else will have to help you on the binaries problem. Make sure you continue to SVN Update the 0 A.D. folder.
  11. It's not so much that the Persian soldiers were weak, but that they utilized poorly trained (for the most part) conscripts from subject nations. They also wore lighter armor (compared to the Greeks) and were better at archery and cavalry tactics than hand-to-hand combat. That's not to say they didn't have elite units. The Anusiya wore excellent armor and were master bowmen (every Persian boy learned how to fire a bow, ride a horse, and speak the truth). They also had katafrakts from Bactria and heavy duty chariots. But these units were only a small fraction of the empire's armies. I think 0 A.D.'s portrayal of the overall Persian military capabilities will be accurate.
  12. The idea would be to bundle modded assets into a map's code, so the whole thing can be transferred to all the clients in a hosted game. That would be the idea anyway. Or I could see a line of code in the map's XML file calling on modded assets to be transferred along with the map, then placed in the correct folders. I am not really sure how this would all work, since I am merely the Art lead and not a programmer.
  13. Read this all the way through, m8 http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/TortoiseSVN_Guide
  14. I'm not a programmer; I'm an artist, but I thought this might interest some people. http://www.khronos.org/news/press/releases...-twelve-months/
  15. Weather and seasons have been put on the extreme back burner because of the 2 fold increase in artwork they would require.
  16. I think posting them in a zip file to the OS forum would be cool. They'd need to be textured and UVW mapped though, because I'm not going to make my guys map other people's work.
  17. Karths get Italian cavalry, Celtic swordsmen, and Iberian skirmishers.
  18. The game uses .dae files (and a few .pmd files - our proprietary 3d format). However, if you were to submit anything to us, we'd prefer .3ds or .OBJ files, so we can open them and scale them properly, etc. before exporting them to the game.
  19. Naw, we'd prolly go smaller, like AOK, with historically based mini-campaigns, like the Greco-Persian Wars and the Punic Wars. etc.
  20. Philip is right about everything, except one: Some ships actually have prop points on them that allow us to prop units on them. However the entity code isnt mature enough to allow us to do anything with these propped units or to even ungarrison them. These were the older ships using the PMD file format, which the engine could read and use prop points from non-boned meshes. The newer ships are Collada and the engine still cant read prop points from non-boned collada files yet. Anyways, to sum up, for popping to work (garrisoned units on ships, garrisoned units atop battlements, etc.) there's a few things we need: - Implementation of functional garrisoning. - Support for prop points on non-boned Collada meshes. - Support in the entity code for allowing the propping (garrisoning) of other entities onto these prop points. - Allowing the base entity and the propped entities to function separately.
  21. As one of the developers I have no problem with end-users doing things like this. In fact I think it's kind of cool. But as Belisarius said, unless you download the game normally with SVN and continually update the build, the installer will soon become obsolete. However, a fan-made installer does allow people to muck around, which isn't a bad thing.
  22. The sweet naivete of youth... The bitter taste of our years!
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