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Everything posted by Mythos_Ruler

  1. Tested the latest iteration. Very nice. It gave me a few surprises and did better than Jubot has done against me, overall. I would look into how Jubot places Mills and see if you can't emulate that and improve upon it. I think the big thing lacking with qbot economically is the fact it doesn't place Mills. I think Jubot just searches for nearby Stone Mines and Metal Mines and places a Mill nearby. One thing that Jubot does too is that when it sends some soldiers to attack, the column will occasionally respond to being attacked.
  2. I think it's on the list of things we'd "like to have," but not necessary. Right now there really isn't much micro involved because farms have so much Food (2000, I think). Ideally, I'd like to add some kind of "diminishing returns" on the number of units gathering on a farm field (kinda like how there was diminishing returns for praying at a Greek temple in Age of Mythology). This would reward the player for building multiple farms instead of just 1 farm and assigning 20 units to gather from it. And then, yeah, add the reseeding queue. Since Farmsteads don't have garrisoning, we can use either the garrison panel in the Farmstead UI or the "training" row in the right panel. I'm thinking the initial cost of building a farm field could be in Wood, but "reseeding" cost could be in Food. Just some random thoughts.
  3. How do you know this? Did your parents tell you this or do you have a copy of your vaccination record? That's a lot of sick time per year. Sounds like you were more of a sickly child than you remember. Getting significant illness every 2 weeks likely has nothing to do with vaccines. Vaccines don't inoculate you against the common cold or flu (unless you're getting flu shots, of course). They only inoculate you against specific illnesses. Have you seen a doctor about the frequency of your illnesses? This is not normal. There are 100s of millions of people who receive vaccines and have no problems with them. Any number of things could be the cause of your coughing, from mold infestation (at school, at home), to air pollution, to poor diet (compromising your immune system), to disease (Swine flu, upper respiratory infection, heart disease).
  4. It's interesting to read that and see how our concept of territories evolved.
  5. Looks like an adequate list. Perhaps ask for a few generic death screams too.
  6. I wouldn't see anything wrong with doing it. It's a farm field. Seems kinda silly to whack it with swords or shoot it with catapults.
  7. Right. You said it more eloquently than I did. I think we all feel that radical departures at this stage would be counterproductive to actually creating a "finished" product, but once we hit 1.0 we can try all number of things to experiment.
  8. I guess it just feels too Settlers-esque for my taste. Anyway, I'm not the final arbiter of these things, so you can continue to discuss it and others can chime in. I only say there is zero chance of this going into the game because it would entail changing something that is already implemented and integrated into the game. This is why my alternate combat idea will not be going into the game--a perfectly good combat method is already implemented. We generally only change large gameplay things before or at the point of implementation. But again, others can have a different POV.
  9. Hmm, I'm not sure when it's appropriate for an active team member to comment on this and chime in with his opinion, because I don't want to throw cold water on anyone's ideas (I've done so in the past and felt like a @#$% doing it). But to be honest, this really has no chance of making it into the official game. It strays completely from the formula we've established. And while we've made changes to the game design over time, the core gameplay concepts have remained the same since 2003. My specific criticism is that of micromanagement. There have been other games that have used a similar training system, and all I've heard about those games were how frustrating they were to the player. When you add a new feature with intensive micro as this has, you have to make a trade-off and remove micro elsewhere from the game design. I could see an intensive training system like this if we refocused the game into a training and fighting game and dropped much of our economy. I think people enjoy things like farming, hunting, mining, lumbering, trading, bartering, etc., so it would be a tough call on what to remove and how to streamline what remained so we could add micro by moving peasants around to different buildings and training them for specific roles. So, my question would be: What in the current game design/direction would you sacrifice in order to add this?
  10. Hey John. Sorry I missed your application. The past few weeks have been crazy for me. Are you still interesting in working on 0 A.D.?

  11. I think ideally the pronunciation should be authentic, but the actress doing the voice does not need to be ethnic Greek.
  12. Yeah, pretty much why I made them run everywhere. We still don't have a countering system (paper-rock-scissors, etc.) in place, but when we do, I think Ekdromoi will be bonused vs. Support Units (Female Citizens, Traders, Healers) and Skirmishers.
  13. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/10357 I had a thought. I think things that shoot (the scout towers and wall towers) should remain conquest critical, while the Celt wall towers (which don't shoot) would not be conquest critical.
  14. Hmmm, not sure about that. I've managed to personally pwned 3 Jubot AIs with nothing but Ekdromoi and a handful of Lithoboloi. The Iberians have a stone requirement for 1 unit, the slinger. You need to make more rams.
  15. I've been reading this thread on reddit about music that's played by someone you don't expect. Usually music that you always was sung by a black guy and turns out it's some white guy or something. Usually what happened back in the 1950s-1970s was the record labels would create white acts to riff on black music styles so that the edgier "black" music was palatable to a wider 9white) audience: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8m1cP0ez_S8 And then there's the song I've always loved, but never realized it was sung by a black woman wearing dreads.
  16. English is excellent. Welcome aboard and thanks for the kind words. How did you hear about 0 A.D.?
  17. That's cool. The problem we have is making the Theatron a stand-alone structure rather than something you are forced to build into a hillside, like what the Greeks actually did, so it'll necessarily look kinda Romanish.
  18. The Greek theater will likely be redesigned at some point.
  19. binaries\data\mods\public\art\textures\ui\pregame\backgrounds
  20. I like the idea that farms are so easily capturable. Makes sense. It also allows a scenario designer to place Gaia farms on the map that any player can snatch up. EDIT: Errr, there was a reason we allowed the player to gather from fields they didn't own. See: The Massacre of Delphi map. So, I at least hope the change doesn't affect human players. In the end though, I think it should be a viable option to raze an enemy town and just snatch up his existing farms.
  21. That would create a conundrum, see, because then you can't train any units at the beginning that can build any of the 2nd tier structures.
  22. Not Civ Centres? Not Fortresses or Barracks? Buildings: -- Anything that can produce a unit. -- All Special Buildings. Units: -- All units, including Traders, Healers, etc. In a team game, a player that is pushed to near defeat can still assist his allies.
  23. There was a "guard" feature in AOK, I believe. You could have the selected units follow another unit around and guard him. I could see building guarding being added to the same feature, all-in-one.
  24. Kind of an informal poll on the relative strengths of different factions. May lead to some minor balancing.
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