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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2024-05-29 in all areas

  1. Ok, considering the mentioned use cases, stopping the button from getting disabled when the game ends seems like the way to go. Here is the ticket: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/6926#ticket
    2 points
  2. Nusantara sets up rated games and leaves them, without giving points. Nusantara civilization shall eat elefante poop.
    2 points
  3. Buenos días o tardes ; -Estas son las facciones que ya creé; (Solamente la arquitectura) (A) -Europa (10); ilirios Lusitanos Tracios Suevos(A) íberos(A) dacios(A) Urálicos(A) Dálmatas(A) Épiro(A) Bósforo(A) -Asia (3); Xiongnu (A) Escitas(A) Beduinos(A) -América (8); Mayas Tupí Mochica Guaraní(A) Zapotecas Anishinaabe(A) Arawakos(A) Lencas(A) -África (8); Númidas Garamantes Khoisan(A) Batwa(A) Axumitas(A) Gaetulia(A) Cartago(A) Nok(A) -Oceanía (0); -No tengo suficientes referencias de esa época .Pero los Polinesios, Papúes y Aborígenes Australianos son muy potenciales. Total:29 y sumando. -Para que se hagan una idea más visual , aquí les dejo los mapas;(son extensiones aproximadas...)de las facciones que pretendo crear.Las facciones con estrellas de 5 puntas están creadas o en proceso. -Iré subiendo el contenido que estamos creando @Lopess y yo a este tópico o a los de temáticas relacionadas, si ustedes tienen sugerencias , referencias , críticas , correcciones ,dudas, peticiones etc... no duden en comentarlas . @wowgetoffyourcellphone @wackyserious @Stan` @Sundiata @Mr.lie @Ultimate Aurelian @Lion.Kanzen Disculpen las molestias*
    1 point
  4. Hey 0AD community ! The Robots Uprising Mod is in progress and still in development but we have some good news for you all ! Before releasing the project in June 2024, we wanted to show you the progress of our project with screenshots or by giving you some news (we are a small team so don't be mad at us if there's not so many news around here, we are doing our best !). We actually finished modelising and texturing our ground / levitating Robots ! Enjoy !
    1 point
  5. DirectX vs Vulkan: Battle of the Modern Graphics APIs https://beebom.com/directx-vs-vulkan/ OpenGL vs Vulkan https://thatonegamedev.com/cpp/opengl-vs-vulkan/ Two interesting articles, this should really emphasizes the importance of the changes for A27.
    1 point
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