The latest patch for this overhaul:
I'm asking for testers to try this patch with the development (A27-SVN) version of the game.
The patch includes:
All-new ship classes replacing the old "light/medium/heavy" classes. These new classes have specific strengths and weaknesses that contribute to a simple and effective counter system:
Scout Ships: Super weak, but good speed and vision range. Available as soon as you build a Dock in village phase.
Arrow Ships: Good vs. melee ships; Countered by Siege Ships (and other Arrow Ships)
Melee Ships: Each civ usually has one of these.
Ramming Ships: Good vs. Siege Ships; Countered by Arrow Ships; their fast speed and 30 garrison also make them good transport ships.
Fire Ships: Good vs. Siege Ships and Buildings (Docks); Countered by Arrow Ships; cannot garrison; 'Upgrade' to ignite with fire and damage nearby enemy ships.
Siege Ships: Long range and strong crush attack damage; Good vs. Arrow Ships and Buildings; Countered by melee Ships such as Ramming Ships and Fire Ships.
All ships can now transport Relics/Catafalques. This was a previous oversight.
An all-new Tech Tree for the Dock based on the kinds of ships each civ has available. For example, "ramming" techs are only available to civs with Ramming Ships.
Village Phase
Fishing Boat unlocked for all civs
Merchant Ship unlocked for Cart
Scout Ship unlocked for all civs
Fishing Nets
Fishing Boats +30% fish gather rate. Unlocks “Salt Curing.”
Salt Curing
Fishing Boats +20 food capacity. Unlocks “Clay Amphorae.”
Ships and Boats +10% vision range; Scout Ships an additional +25% vision range. Unlocks “Exploration” for the Carthaginians and Han Chinese.
Requires “Lookouts.”
Civs; Cart, Han
Traders and Ships +20% vision range.
Town Phase
Merchant Ship unlocked for all civs, except Cart
Arrow Ship unlocked for all civs
Ramming Ship unlocked for: Athen, Cart, Mace, Pers, Ptol, Rome, Sele, Spart
Fire Ship unlocked for: Brit, Gaul, Iber. "Upgrade" to set on fire.
Clay Amphorae
Merchant Ships +25% trade profit per trip.
Docks work 20% faster (Ships −20% build time; Technologies −20% research time) and are built 20% faster.
Reinforced Hull
Requires “Shipwrights.”
Civs: Brit, Gaul, Iber
Ships +25% health, but −10% speed.
Naval Oxybeles
Arrow Ships +10 crush damage and +10% attack range. Unlocks “Naval Ballistae” for civilizations with Siege Ships.
Flanking Maneuvers
Ramming Ships +25% speed and acceleration. Unlocks “Bronze Rams.”
Ship Cladding
Warships +1 pierce and crush armor. Unlocks “Undergirding Cables” for some civilizations.
City Phase
Siege Ship unlocked for: Cart, Han, Ptol, Rome, Sele
Naval Ballistae
Requires “Naval Oxybeles.”
Siege Ships +20% attack range.
Bronze Ram
Requires “Flanking Maneuvers.”
Ramming Ships +50% attack damage.
Undergirding Cables
Requires “Ship Cladding.”
Civs: Athen, Mace, Pers, Spart
Arrow Ships and Ramming Ships +25% health.
Burning Pitch
Civs: Brit, Gaul, Iber
Fire Ships +25% health and +25% attack damage.
Flaming Projectiles
Ranged Warships +10% attack damage.
This is for those civs who only have Scout Ships and Arrow Ships enabled, but no Melee or Siege ships: Currently just Kush, but may be applied to upcoming Germanic or Nomadic civs as well.
Arsenal of Philon
Requires “Shipwrights.”
Civs: Athen
Warships +1 health/second self-repair rate.
Not implemented, but may in future patch:
All Warships +40% capture resistance.
This is for all non-Roman civs if we implement Corvus Ships that capture. Currently removed from the list.
Juggernauts (“Tessarakonterēs”)
Requires “Shipwrights.”
Civs: Ptol
Siege Ship +50% health, +25% more projectiles, but −25% speed.
May get rid of the "Juggernaut" ship template and replace it with this tech.