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  1. This patch work very good. It is a good first step. Would be worth to commit this and then change behavior later after testing. What behavior I think can probably be: All units when garrisoned will garrison inside. If you want your ranged infantry to go up to the battlements, click the "Reinforce Battlements" button. There's also a "Retreat Inside" button to re-hide the units. If you want to restock the battlements with fresh ranged infantry after some of have be kill, click the Reinforce Battlements button again. Maybe also have a auto-reinforce button -- kind of like autoqueue in AoM. ADDITIONAL ENHANCEMENT: 1. can set default behavior in the options menu -- hide when garrisoned, or auto-reinforce battlements. can set default stance in options menu too -- like in age of mythology -- but that's a different thing. 2. A new garrison hotkey can adjust the garrison behavior on the fly. 3. Visual enhancement: The selection ring should be at their feet, not on the ground. 4. Vsiual enhancement: Units on battlements don't show silhouette, but this can be debated, gameplay may trump. Of course, none of these suggestions and anhancements have to stop the patch from being commit right now, unless coder find some code problems. You guys should try iterating on this feature and see what makes sense to you as you go forward with it.
    2 points
  2. https://openai.com/blog/universe/ https://universe.openai.com/ They are also searching for games to use to train it:
    1 point
  3. Two ideas for that: 1) Give each civ, or groups of civs, two/three plantations that visually grow something different, but function the same, for appearances (like varying farm textures), based on something they were known for (like vineyards and olives). So when you click the plantation build icon, it randomly selects from one of the crops. 2) Assign a set of random plantations to each biome. That way we don't wind up with Persians planting date palms on a snow map or Gauls growing apples in the Sahara. Here's a list of "cash crops" that I'll group both ways: Mediterranean (Athens, Sparta, Macedon, Rome, Iberia, Carthage): Olives Grape Vines (note, grapes were often grown up trees like olives or even Elm (Ulmus) trees that were kept small) Figs Desert (Persia, Seleucids, Ptolemies): Date Palms Pomegranates Lemons South Asian (Mauryans): Cotton Sugarcane Black Pepper Temperate (Gauls, Britons): Apples Hemp Barley All biomes: Honey Bees (could have an aura boosting food and metal production from farms/plantations) Edit: this could be an upgrade/tech that gives a visual change once researched so we don't add another building. One additional idea: allow for metal gathering from water too. Some of these might work better as civ specific abilities. Stationary nodes: Clams (pearls) Sea snails (purple dye) Sponges Oysters Migratory nodes: Whales Seals Sea Turtles Sturgeon Note: initially harvested by fishing boats only, but could have a tech that allows trading boats to harvest them- the bonus there being they can carry more Shoreline buildings that must be garrisoned with either citizen soldiers or traders: Tuna (Iberian almadraba) "Salt mine" (Britons, Gauls) Fish farm (Rome, goatfish production for banquets=luxury item) Lastly, just continuing with the marine theme, but for food: allow hunting and fishing of shoreline creatures. Ptolemies could get some bonuses here. Hunting: Ducks Geese Fishing: Eels Small fish (cast nets) Crabs (One last edit: also would be nice if fishing boats could build fish traps like in AOE2)
    1 point
  4. Let's discover what this can be for each civ. Athenians: olive grove Rome: grape vineyard Others: ?
    1 point
  5. @wowgetoffyourcellphone could you try the attached patch for visible garrisonning ? 3488.16.diff
    1 point
  6. Oh, but they do. Human activity was depleting many of these resources, and quite severely, even in ancient times. Besides archeological evidence, contemporary sources even mention the environmental damage. Just one example of this would be the rise of Macedon through its trade in timber with Athens in particular. By the time of Alexander, much of Attica was deforested, with the accompanying erosion, drying of springs, and declining agricultural production. The building of the first Athenian fleets and charcoal production to keep the mines of Laurion in operation had wrecked Attica. When you combine deforestation with a climate that only receives rainfall during a small period of the year, you don't get regeneration, you get desertification. Even today the Greek government struggles to plant forests in many areas of Greece. Macedon, on the other hand, had access to larger forests and much of that territory was higher in elevation and received more rainfall. They happily traded timber to the more established, dominant Greek states while consolidating their control over that region of Greece. Of course, one can't lay the rise of Macedon entirely at the feet of environmental damage by other Greek states, but it played quite a large role. There are a few books on the subject, for example Environmental Problems of the Greeks and Romans: Ecology in the Ancient Mediterranean by J. Donald Hughes is a good place to start if you are interested (for the record, I studied classical Greece at the university). If one wants realism in the economy of the game, then each biome would need to behave by different rules. I think this would be needlessly complicated and confusing for people to remember. Also, the game doesn't have any passage of time. We already have to suspend belief that you can plant a farm and start harvesting in minutes... I think that planting trees is a neat idea, but growing usable timber in the context of a game that lasts about 30-45 minutes is something else. Don't get me wrong, many of these ideas are great, but are more suited to a mod. The game would be totally different than it is today. Personally, I'd love an Anno 1602 meets 0AD, but I don't see it happening officially. Edit: For what its worth, some of these ideas could be implemented in some fashion and could help diversify gameplay or enjoyment, like animated buildings or Lion's suggestion to have "cash crop" plantations to generate coin.
    1 point
  7. I have made a hack that doesn't make weird animation behavior. I set the resource capacity of glory for the units to 1, so the instant they reach 1 glory it is immediately deposit at the statue they are praise. So, it is pretty much a constant generation like I wanted it to be.
    1 point
  8. I said before tobevolve entity farms to become industrial from empires and gain little metal income.
    1 point
  9. @Angga Hermawan Are you creating stories out of a normal game? Now THAT'S some scripting talent, there!
    1 point
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