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  1. Yesterday we met to talk about the general gameplay design of 0 A.D. We, that is scythewhirler, DarcReaver, niektb and myself, an autoproclammed design comitee (thus most of the team is aware of it) that I invited after this thread http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=20038. We are not dictatoring how things should be, but try to stick to what 0 A.D. is, refering to the design documents and looking at what is said on the forum (and IRC). So we first met to agree of what describes 0 A.D. for further common works. Relying upon this http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/0AD_The_Vision, we diverged about a lot of points from the current state, about capturing, micro and macro, formations.... Then we agreed this: This surely doesn't say all and may seems just a rephrasing of the design document. It is our starting point for further discussions and decisions. The next meeting will happen on next Sunday. We will discuss each point of the desciptions and act more details for each then and see if the game fits it or what should be modified to get it.
    2 points
  2. +1 for Syllepsis also, the word isn't confusing, nor religious which is nice.
    2 points
  3. This sounds like a valid alternative. After looking in my dictionnary the correct form seems to be σύλληψις. That would give Syllepsis (or Syllēpsis) after translitteration.
    2 points
  4. [edit]Sibyllae Vox website: http://creativekara.fr/doku.php?id=0adsv:start for the latest version and instructions[/edit] Hello Probably from alpha 18 pre-release I studied the design documents and made a few suggestions. With this mod I try to get things to what I understood. It will I think feel a bit like alpha 17 with new features and some implementation changes (like disapearance of most hard-counters). For the first versions, I'd like to only redesign units to enhance the battle gameplay with a slower and strategic pace with hope it could be included in alpha 19. Later on there should be larger changes about territories, resource costs or other things, with more time to plan everything according to what the design comittee would build. Even if I'm part of this committee, this is only my personal work and wasn't agreed by anyone for now. To play with this mod download the archive and unzip it in the "mod" directory of 0 A.D. Then in tools and options choose select and activate mods and activate Sibylla Vox. First version changes: Unit speed and vision Health values Armor, damage and ranges Defensive structure damages and range Known issues: - Naval units are not designed. - The overpowered skirmisher cavalery rush may be back - Vision and range may be a little to short, maybe more for archers - Need multiplayer testing - Heroes are not reviewed A Sibylla is and independant and nomadic oracle which would tell prophecies in a mysterious and ambiguous way. The Voice of Sibylla tell you something that you must interpret well and can lead to doubts. sibylla vox 20150921.zip
    1 point
  5. HI in order to compile a fresh version of the source from today, I had to copy the patches in the source/spidermonkey/build.sh file into the osx/build-osx-libs.sh file. I am running the latest version of the xcode command line tools and cmake on 10.10.5 and followed the normal build instructions for osx. By default build.sh is never called, and thus the patches it contains are never executed, and the compile fails with errors. This took me quite some time to figure out - is that a bug, or an undocumented feature? Any way around that? cheers etzard
    1 point
  6. It would be great to have a git branch for this mod
    1 point
  7. Then you could simply use "σύλληψη", greek for capture and since "σ" is like "s".
    1 point
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