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  1. I have started adding Epirotes to the mod. They are a Hellenistic faction similar to Macedonians in many ways (mostly unit roster), but with some major differences in gameplay (no siege workshop, modified tech tree and different bonuses and penalties). I hope to make them a berserker civ that hit hard, but loses hard too. Aggressive attacks, but expensive units that sting the player to lose them. Pyrrhic Victory is the way I want them to play. Hopefully I can make that a reality. They get the Molossus Hound, trainable from house, 1 per house. They are a pike infantry civ, with the 'White Shield Phalangite.' They also have Chaonian Guard champions, Agema Cavalry champions, Thessalian Lancers, Tarentine Cavalry (heavy skirmish cavalry), Thesprotian Thureophoroi (heavy skirmishers), and Towered War Elephants. Pyrrhus of Epirus is their "Hannibal" or "Scipio"-level hero, with supporting heroes Alexander I the Molossian and Alexander II of Epirus. Their mercenary camp units are: Italiote Hoplites, Galatian Swordsmen, and Cretan Archers.
    3 points
  2. niektb has offered to start converting many AOE icons to original icon. He is doing good job so far! (attached are a couple he made). If anyone else wants to help make more icon then that would speed up the mod's wide release! There are about 100 more icons that can be made (my mod has over 200 technologies). So far Lion Kanzen and niektb have contribute to original portrait content and the mod uses LordGoo's farms. I have started a contributors.txt. Also, attach are new Phase icons I made for the phase tech of the game. I think these look very nice (the smooth texturing resizes very nicely by the GUI) and I remade them because I think phase tech should stand out more above other techs.
    3 points
  3. Dear players and contributors, As some of you may know, I have been working on integrating the new pathfinder, designed by Philip (Ykkrosh) some time ago. After months of work, I am proud to announce that the new pathfinder has been included in the SVN version of the game. However, you must not think every problem 0 A.D. encounters has been solved. The new pathfinder is in, but a lot of features are still to be implemented and some new bugs have necessarily been introduced. What is the new pathfinder? The new pathfinder is actually a new long-range pathfinder, and the short-range pathfinder has been modified and tweaked a bit to adapt it to the changes. The new long-range pathfinder implements an optimization of the A* pathfinding algorithm, known as JPS (some information here). It also comes with an entirely new "hierarchical pathfinder", which doesn't compute any paths but deals with the connectivity between two points on the map. As a consequence, it is now possible for the pathfinder to know when it is useless to try to compute a path, thus improving the performance. Before, the pathfinder computed a lot of paths before understanding that some point was unreachable. Why is not everything fixed with the new pathfinder? The main thing is that the new pathfinder is designed to solve the big problems that the old pathfinder had (for instance the discrepancies between the long-range and the short-range pathfinder, the fact that the AI couldn't access the pathfinding code, and also performance). However, not all its features have been implemented. There is still a lot of things to do, but now that the new pathfinder is in, this work can be done. On top of that, things that used to work, like formations, are not properly supported yet by the new pathfinder and are currently disabled. A lot of bugs that were fixed in the old implementation are likely to reappear in this new one. What is still to be done? - Already almost ready, but still not in: Improve the grid update performance - Coming soon: Reenable formations JPS cache Remove the AI pathfinder Discover and fix unit motion bugs introduced by the pathfinder change - For the future: A lot of things that are now possible! What else can I learn about the new pathfinder? A PDF, written by Philip and currently being updated by me when I have time, is here. You can also take a look at Philip's progress reports he wrote when working on this new pathfinder here. What can I do? You can help us by testing the game and giving some feedback! Please open Trac tickets only when you are 200% sure it is not already reported (see the list of open problems here), else post in the forums and we will do our possible to file the issue and try to fix it. We would like to have a not-too-buggy A19 despite including this huge change, which is not a simple objective. Please help us!
    1 point
  4. I just saw this animation on Reddit: https://gfycat.com/SpiritedWarmFattaileddunnart , from this conversation here. I figured it was the coolest thing i've ever seen and that we could use the idea to revamp the splash screens in our trailers, which are currently this: There's a variety of ways this could go, but I thought it'd be a good idea to at least share the animation if someone is feeling inspired.
    1 point
  5. Another tiny update, new, low poly oars, reinforced railing and a little bit of mesh cleanup:
    1 point
  6. As the guy who sorta planned to do this but completely failed to push through, I must say great work. This is a really positive accomplishment for the future.
    1 point
  7. None that I know of. Reddit hasn't really gotten around to know about 0 A.D. yet. Which is in my opinion both a shame and a chance, since it would probably be pretty successful there, but then we can wait until the game is actually ready for advertising there.
    1 point
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