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  1. If you see is a M overlapped to C. In the beginning I considerate use the table and the wrench. And I trying many shapes and combinations finally I got this. Can be a helmet if you use the imagination. XD I need choose the color.
    2 points
  2. Translations for the project can be found here: https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/0ad/ They're not included in the current version, but we will include some good translations in the next version we release (see the latest announcement). And I don't understand your remark.
    1 point
  3. Yes it is possible to set different rights to different repos for a user. The problem actually is that the Aristeia mod isn't up-to-date anymore and gives a lot of errors while playing (yes, I've tested it myself long ago) Secondly it's possible from the game to load different mods at once, but it isn't very user friendly to do so in the release (having a gamer download several mods at once before able to play etc.) But could be done for testing purpose, for the release however it should all be in the same mod folder.
    1 point
  4. Maybe if he adds a white line (disconnects the tools handle and heading) the C would become more obvious (If that's ment to be it ^^)
    1 point
  5. Yes, though you should pick certain positions to prevent impossible to reach places.
    1 point
  6. Hmm, it might be that a general description of the Council and what it is doing is required. That can be easily added That is very nicely worded. Very nice. You pretty much basically covered the description already. If you still want to add one though, it can just be something like, "0 A.D. Council of Modders Mod team dedicated to the RTS game 0 A.D. aimed at promoting, contribution and created to ensure it's survival. Where RTS dreams come true!"
    1 point
  7. Done! Hmm, it might be that a general description of the Council and what it is doing is required. That can be easily added
    1 point
  8. I have made some progress. Here's a short report: With another approach (I think it's about the 20th) I managed to get stable, riverbed-digging water erosion. It now calculates the acceleration (so driven by gravity) which seams to make the difference. Some screen-shots of the same terrain with a different amount of water erosion cycles applied. On tiles with water texture the water hight is more than 1/16th (~6%) of the maximum water height on the map. (So where no water texture is there is really not much water) Lighter water tiles mean the water runs faster, darker mean the water runs slower. The other tiles are just painted by height. 20 cycles: At first the water gathers... 50 cycles: ...and forms rivers. 100 cycles: Then it reaches a stable state (It rains all the time and the water slowly drains/evaporates). Sadly the erosion process is really slow... I'll post again when I produced a random map with this. The files: FeXoR-hightmap2013-9-14.zip
    1 point
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