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  1. This formation was first introduced by the Greeks and Romans as was actually called the flying wedge. The Germanic tribes used it extensively as well. The Celts very very seldom... The Celts never used formations.
    2 points
  2. Hi, For the last few days I have worked on a maze map. Unfortunately I currently don't have much time to work on it, but it is already quite playable, so I want to showcase it here. Screenshots: (The screenshots are pretty large!) 2 players 4 players 8 players The complexity depends on the size Tiny map with 8 players... From above Civic center macro shot Oasis in the center Another civic center Old screenshots: Early stage Different trees, bushes Source code: Feel free to edit the map and do whatever you want with it. The code is somewhat well-commented.
    1 point
  3. Dear All I hope this is coming to the right place. I just wanted to give my thanks to those in this community who have worked on 0 A.D. I'll tell you why; After ~25 years with Microsoft I've just installed Ubuntu on a machine for the first time, and was scouting around for software to download. Was delighted to come across this game, which appealed to me for a number of reasons. Firstly, having cast around a quick google to see if it was actually any good I was delighted to read that it's closely based on the Age of Empires series. I don't mind saying that AoEII was the absolute top game of my Childhood, and having been denied it in recent years has been a great pain to me. Secondly, I have a couple of degrees in military history etc and my fiancé is a classicist; clearly the subject matter of 0 A. D. is of immediate interest in that sense as well! Have only played one game so far (and got my @#$% handed to me on a plate, was playing with what I remember of pure AoE II tactics and was totally over-run by the CPU opponent) but really enjoyed it. I appreciate it's a product in Alpha and there are a lot of bugs to deal with and functionality to build in, however it's great work so far. I'm afraid I'm not a programmer or modeler, or else I'd be chomping at the bit to get involved and help develop. Again, good work. I'll be very pleased to watch your development closely. Perhaps after I've played some more games I'll have more feedback than just 'Great subject matter'! Oliver
    1 point
  4. I like it. I'm not so sure about the playability but I think you know of this yourself. Something similar could be used to place roads in a city map (I have thought about making wall_builder.js capable of adding branches for this purpose but maybe that's not the best idea in the first place).
    1 point
  5. Ptolemaic mercenary camp. Realtime capture with baked normalized AO. (it will be less dark ingame). White cloth is playercolor. Sightly bigger than a barracks, but smaller than a fortress/roman army camp.
    1 point
  6. What do you mean by "under-arm" ? =) I would like to see this as well.
    1 point
  7. Retexture it then, if you have time. I'm sure Enrique already has his hands full. A lot of work needs to be done before Alpha 16.
    1 point
  8. I am apologizing to the dev members involved in the black death post yesterday for the disrespect and uncivil tone.
    1 point
  9. I've seen a similar report before and IIRC, it was fixed by downloading the 64-bit bundle rather than the 32-bit bundle. You only need the 32-bit bundle for old 32-bit Macs or if they run Leopard. Of course the 32-bit bundle should still work, even on Mavericks, but there is obviously a problem.
    1 point
  10. Sounds good Romulus. When do you think you could play? Macedonia, not Rome? Going for historical accuracy I guess? Will definitely be epic, Macedonia is one of the best civs right now, and Persians are definitely not shabby either.
    1 point
  11. So after a month of patience my art gets overwritten anyways? The tower itself is not a difficult mesh to create. I do not mind recreating a different texture for the tower, but if you retexture it for yourself, then there is no point in giving me credit to the piece. That would be kind of a D move, bro.
    1 point
  12. If I were developer, it would demoralise me heavily. I think, that graphic side of the 0AD is on great level. Keep in mind, that you cannot make every unit high poly and thus high detail. None graphic card would handle it. However, I wonder, how MTW2 does it that it has many, quite high detail, units and I've read somewhere, that geForce 5700 should be enough to run it.
    1 point
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