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  1. Photos of 0 A.D. running on Raspberry Pi You can see it's quite a simple setup: just the Pi, an LCD monitor (a TV works too), and a USB nano receiver for keyboard and mouse. I'd be happy with controlling the fullscreen resolution through standard SDL API Windowed mode isn't critical but it's kinda nice for testing and debugging.
    3 points
  2. Hi Duke ! Welcome aboard ! Good work so far ! I like how bulky you imagined the platform. It could be a good way to distinguish it from the dock of the other civs. I'd definitely suggest to keep this idea, it looks epic. On the other hand, I don't go for the building up there, because it's (to me) too much in the spirit of a temple, which is not necessary here. Could you test a simpler and more utilitarian building ? The figures paintings on the wall are also out of place here, I think. I recommend you to check the other docks from the game. I especially like the one from Mauryans, which is also the latest that was modelled.
    2 points
  3. I thinks its alright if the Ptolemaic dock is a bit bigger, they'll have the most powerful naval units in the game, no doubt It should look more utilitarian, as Ludo says. Docks are seaside markets, after all. Give it a feeling of being both a commercial port and a military drydock. Right now it feels like a glorified pier, but I love that bit of Age of Empires inspiration I see in there
    1 point
  4. In other slightly less polite words put up or shut up Enjoy the Choice
    1 point
  5. That, and specific help is very valuable. General help like "you need to improve your lag" isn't help, but specific help like "this algorithm uses more time than it should, and here is a better version" can help a lot. The same with texts. Complaining generally about the texts, well, we know that already. But give a list of texts that definitely need improvement, and fixes for those, and it will help a lot.
    1 point
  6. FYI, "Myst" makers Cyan Worlds are starting a new ambitious game project, Obduction, and they just launched a Kickstarter, which meets an impressive success : http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/cyaninc/obduction Their goal is set at 1,100,000 !
    1 point
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