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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2013-10-25 in all areas

  1. Dear everyone! I've been on this forum for quite a while and many of you may have seen me around. So far I've not been able to contribute much because of my lack of skills (of course I did contribute with a humble monetary donation ;-) ) and that's not about to change. I (quite abruptly) disappeared from this forum around February this year to only reappear for a short period on rare occasions and, I'm afraid, that's not about to change either. Last year I decided that I wanted to study Computer Science at Oxford University and (rather to my surprise) I received my conditional offer mid-January. This was a huge motivation to put more time in my studies and less in roaming the forum. I've now been studying at Oxford for 2 weeks and I'm going to be very very busy studying for the next 6 weeks. But, and this is the important part, I'm going to learn a lot! And somewhere during my studies I believe I will acquire the necessary skills to take some programming tasks on me, which (I hope) will allow me to contribute to my favourite Open Source project! (and earn a living) I want to thank everyone on 0 A.D. because you've been part of the reason I got interested in Computer Science in the first place (not the only one 'cause there's just too many reasons CompSci is AWESOME!) Kind Regards, Idanwin
    2 points
  2. "TechPhase" here would probably be "RequiredTechnology" instead. Make sure to keep the same or similar terminology and methodology.
    2 points
  3. Give the Ptolemaics a champion infantry unit called the "agema." The agema were crack troops taken out of the phalanxes and placed into an elite one. They were the guard of Ptolemy and recieved the highest pay. The agema would sport muscled cuirasses, greaves, and plumed helmets. The Seleucids have their own agema as well. Also, hurry up and create some special ability for a ptolemaic hero. I'm still rather pissed off from the night my 100-200 or so fully upgraded pikemen were dissolved by Carthaginian War Elephants because of some stupid attack bonus from a hero. I will put up a task thread about the towered elephants when I have my free time this busy weekend
    1 point
  4. Yeah, the other ones are better.
    1 point
  5. Hi Team, I have created three bell sound trying to re-create an ancient texture on them. However I agree that we should use a herald trumpet sound. I will mix the sound of and ancient instrument named pututo ( ) with the bell and feel how it works. In the meantime you can check the sound designed for the bells so far: http://goo.gl/R8N2w6
    1 point
  6. We're working on it: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/2190 Some things are meant to happen (like you shouldn't be able to garrison rams inside a CC), but some things (like the dogs) are a bug.
    1 point
  7. Thank you for the previous feeback guys, I take it with myself to next work. To repair the night scene with torches, I will come with another one , but now I have almost accomplished portrait oriented work in which there is much to do but you can see this version. And sorry for my counter-roman attitude, don't worry, brighter times will come for them. n.1 : The breaking lines First to the portrait oriented artwork series. What comes next? Will you blend with the night and join a party of Britons to take back their homeland?
    1 point
  8. I want to stick closer to a AoE type of game, but this might be a fun mod.
    1 point
  9. I feel its an overkill and restricts gameplay.
    1 point
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