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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2013-10-03 in all areas

  1. Hi all, Before trying possible decal stuffs and the use of grass and bushes, I wanted first to test Enrique's stone circle idea to cut the hill from the rest of the map to allow good behaviour on uneven terrains. Here is what I've got now : The horse's head quite disappeared since my last work on the texturing and shaping of the top of the hill, so I will work on it a little more to get his white shape pop up much more among the grass. The rest of the horse is clearer, and actually, it depends on the light, the angle of the sun and which side it comes from. I'm thinking that the horse looks rather small, especially for the scale that we have in the game, so, I will try a second version with the horse almost twice that large.
    1 point
  2. Progress Start locations are now added quite sane (players in one team might not be next to each other yet). The terrain around the start locations is smoothed (though on tiny maps the incline might still be to high for satisfying results). Trees and decorative props density is lower in the surrounding of a start location (This drastically increases generation time so I'll think of a faster range check). The Iberian civ bonus walls are not placed at all yet due to the lack of space (I'll think of something to at least add them on medium or greater maps). Coming soon (hopefully) Next step will be to add resources to the start locations and distribute some stone and metal among the map to make this map playable. Then I'll hope to change the random biome system with Spahbod to enhance terrain textures and decorative prop placement on this map. (In general the RMGEN libs are quite chaotic and should be cleaned before adding further libs IMO) RealisticTerrainDemo2013-10-3.zip
    1 point
  3. You think we could get a Brythonic temple by the twelfth? I figure if we can go all-out, why not? ahaha
    1 point
  4. Etruscan soldier with rectangular shield Etruscan weapon
    1 point
  5. Keep in mind, the Library will be the 'common' special building for the Macedonians and Seleucids, as well as the Ptolemies. It'll be one of those things "tying" all the Successor states together.
    1 point
  6. Varangians is closer, still 3 centuries late. Normans and Varangians are both names given to them by others at a later period. However, they're not completely outside the time frame, as shown here: http://Viking… Historical Timeline of the Norse People - Part 1(8000 B.C to A.D. 900) - by robertlyn-schultz - Newsvine
    1 point
  7. I just stumbled upon another translation thread in the Modification forum, only because it was the last reply and it caught my eye in the forum index. What does everybody think about having a i18n/l10n forum and move all the relevant threads there? This would help attract translators and also make the translation/string fixing job a lot easier. I think if could be a sub-forum in the dev forum. What do you guys think?
    1 point
  8. Here's a website: http://www.mysteriousetruscans.com/
    1 point
  9. I think the main problem is that players will probably expect to get some feedback from the GUI when issuing commands while paused. E.g. if you click to train a dozen units, you'd expect to see your resource counters go down, so you can tell when you've spent all resources. We don't currently have a good way to implement that - your commands don't get executed until the next simulation turn (so they'll never get executed while the game is paused), and the GUI just reflects the current simulation state, so we can't update the resource counters while paused. I'm not sure how we could cleanly fix that, and it's easier to just prevent the player issuing commands while paused. But there's no technical problem other than the GUI - you can open the console (F9) and enter Engine.SetSimRate(0) to pause the game and close the console and issue some commands then Engine.SetSimRate(1) to resume, to see what the behaviour is like.
    1 point
  10. Great to see that you are actually investigating this. Perhaps, as other people have repeatedly tried to look into this, you could preserve somewhere how you investigated / tested solutions. Are you replacing both the short-range and long-range pathfinder, or one of them?
    1 point
  11. You answer your own question. Why not? The Seleucids had citizen militia cavalry and infantry in each of the four tetrapoleis.
    1 point
  12. The Etruscans are essentially a division of Phoenicians that settled in Umbria in north east Italia. Much of their literature got destroyed and even just blended into Roman society. This dilution has erased nearly all accounts of these great peoples. The Etruscans, what we do know evident of several artifacts and from various Greek historians, were a great sea ferring people. They won many battles in the Terrhyian sea and controlled a great trade rout. Sadly, the Greek descriptions and literature about the Etruscans are one sided, biased and not really accurate. This is because the Greeks saw these people as pirates and barbaric. Same like Rome saw Gaul. Religion was also an important factor in this destruction of Etruscan literature and form of cultural evidence that existed. The common conception of the time was the Etruscans were "evil" and "sons of the devil". Their influence in art, language, and architecture however prevailed, and was implemented into Roman society which lasted well into the middle ages in Italy. Most of Latin is a composition of Etruscan. Etruscan units for 0.A.D. would like these.
    1 point
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