I'd personally like to see more "historically accurate pathfinding" in regards to formations. Specifically, how units move while in formation and how they get into and out of formation under different circumstances. For instance, when you have 30 hoplites in a standard "line" or "box" formation, and then you change them to "Phalanx" formation, they would move into place naturally and by rank and file. Also, when moving a large number of units over a long distance, they would group together by type and formation, then form into a column, then move out to the destination (with a speed bonus and armor debonus). The column would "snake" around the different way points (rather than the current behavior where the 'wheel' around unnaturally). Once near the destination they would break up into their proper formations and form up into a proper battle line automatically (pikes in front, archers behind, cavalry on the wings, skirmishers and swordsmen the "hinges" between the cavalry and pikes, elephants spaced out in front, etc. This could be customized depending on the civ, for instance, Rome's "battle line" would arrange somewhat different). Things like that. Different units would have different amounts of "professionalism" meaning they would be more or less organized. E.g., Spartiates would have a high amount of professionalism, so they stand in nice, neat straight lines, while their Helot skirmishers would have a low amount of professionalism and would stand in messy disorganized lines. First, though, the formations need gone through and reduced in number, IMHO, and their behavior and stats finally decided so things like the above can be properly tested.