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  1. When do you think that will be finish, approximately? I seen in the track that you found an annoying bug... I hope that it will be fixed soon. Performance will be better? Also, for the next alpha, you could add the scenario "Defense Mod" I'm waiting
    1 point
  2. Hello, this is my first post and would like to start by thanking every one who's worked on the game thus far. The games quality surprises me I've only now found the game. With that said, I'm a web developer in my day job and would like to contribute some of my time to the AI of troop movements. There seems to be a great lack in documentation for those of us who'd like to get our feet wet with the games core functionality. I'd like to know where and how I should start making my modifications to the game. I've downloaded the source files and have the test version running on my machine. If I want to pick apart the existing AI path-finding code for units and boats, should I make a mod to do this or change the games core files? I assume I can change this code without needing to recompile? Also, where are such core files even if I am to use them in a mod? There doesn't seem to be a file structure map to give me any idea what is what. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. -erobert
    1 point
  3. That's ok, the more backups the better.
    1 point
  4. Greetings, community members! The web development team is conducting a survey about your experience with the current 0 A.D. website (http://play0ad.com). We would appreciate if you guys could take a minute and answer the survey. Please use this link to access the form. Remember, accurate input helps us better gauge and improve the website. For clarification purposes, I have attached an image that relates to question # 1. Thank you for your cooperation!
    1 point
  5. Barely noticeable from a decent distance, but when playing zoomed in to the max it becomes a 1-pixel gap. And when using free camera mode the gap between the head and the neck becomes REALLY obvious. It is not just the roman spearman that has this problem. The mauryan swordsman, the cartaginian spearman and a few others all have this problem. A little tweak in the neck of the body mesh should fix this I think.
    1 point
  6. The releases are always a bit disorganized, so nobody can exactly tell when it will happen. It needs a release announcement, a release video, packaging for the different operating systems and an agreement what bugs have to be fixed (and someone who fixes them). I'll have a look if bug 1881 is still there or if ben fixed it with the NaN/-NaN patch.
    1 point
  7. Thanks did a little scribbling to bring out finer detail and changed the horsey color and whatnot sharpened a few ambiguous edges too
    1 point
  8. what an epic work lion and idanlwin !! YEAH !!
    1 point
  9. Brussels ... that's not too far for me :-) I'll gladly go there to support you guys! Do we need 0 A.D. T-shirts? Leaflets?
    1 point
  10. Hi Erobert. Some links: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GettingStarted http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Modding_Guide If you want to contribute to the mainline of development, you will either modify the engine (otherwise known as Pyrogenesis) or the so-called "public" mod (the default mod shipping with releases, otherwise known as 0 A.D.). If you want to make changes to pathfinding, you have to modify the engine: https://github.com/0ad/0ad/blob/master/source/simulation2/components/CCmpPathfinder.cpp Making changes to this file does require a recompile, since it's done in C++. However, the pathfinder is subject to change in the future, so don't rely on it being stable. If you are making an actual mod, as opposed to contributing to the mainline development, you can't really change the pathfinder, since its a core engine feature.
    1 point
  11. These are starting to look like real egyptians, I think: (for the hair texture I just used a brownish black color) @Lion: Here's the hair texture (and the 3d image so you know where what part of the hair is): EDIT: And no, that wasn't Lady Gaga I was modelling!
    1 point
  12. Don't worry, we're all here to make errors and learn from them.
    1 point
  13. I'd personally like to see more "historically accurate pathfinding" in regards to formations. Specifically, how units move while in formation and how they get into and out of formation under different circumstances. For instance, when you have 30 hoplites in a standard "line" or "box" formation, and then you change them to "Phalanx" formation, they would move into place naturally and by rank and file. Also, when moving a large number of units over a long distance, they would group together by type and formation, then form into a column, then move out to the destination (with a speed bonus and armor debonus). The column would "snake" around the different way points (rather than the current behavior where the 'wheel' around unnaturally). Once near the destination they would break up into their proper formations and form up into a proper battle line automatically (pikes in front, archers behind, cavalry on the wings, skirmishers and swordsmen the "hinges" between the cavalry and pikes, elephants spaced out in front, etc. This could be customized depending on the civ, for instance, Rome's "battle line" would arrange somewhat different). Things like that. Different units would have different amounts of "professionalism" meaning they would be more or less organized. E.g., Spartiates would have a high amount of professionalism, so they stand in nice, neat straight lines, while their Helot skirmishers would have a low amount of professionalism and would stand in messy disorganized lines. First, though, the formations need gone through and reduced in number, IMHO, and their behavior and stats finally decided so things like the above can be properly tested.
    1 point
  14. We still need to have a default option I would guess most people don't change the default key bindings (I know I don't in most games)
    1 point
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