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  1. 0 A.D. Development Report #10 Wildfire Games, the international group of volunteers developing 0 A.D., are happy to present this week's 0 A.D. development report. If you want to find out more about the development of this open-source, cross-platform real-time strategy game or if you are interested in game development in general, it might be an interesting read. If you want to be part of this project, we urge you to post your application in our forums. We are currently looking for Gameplay, AI, Sound and Graphics Programmers along with Animators and 3D & texture artists. You prefer to do something else than programming or drawing? Luckily for your portfolio we are also looking for a Sound Lead, Video Editors, a Documentation Manager and Scenario Designers. Still no luck? Head to our forums and join our active community! !!! We are in need of (skilled) programmers. Are you one of them? Redirect yourself to this thread. Your contributions are crucial !!! Screenshot of the Week Month The Mauryan Indians will make their spectacular debut in 2013! Stay tuned. Art & Programming & Sound historic_bruno committed a plethora of fixes! He updated libpng to v1.5.13, fixed multilined text alignment and added a link in-game to the manual. This is only the tip of the iceberg though. For a full list of code revisions check this . Or maybe it was this one.stwf has been working on a complete rewrite of the sound manager. This ought to fix bugs and remove memory leaks in the code. Pureon has finished work on the 'Crannog' building and he has also made new technology, unit and building icons. He has also finished the Mauryan houses (which are a treat!). Check for yourself in the monthly screenshot! Mythos_Ruler also worked on the Mauryan Indians, adding new textures and portraits, among with some general balance work. Enrique finished work on a couple of Mauryan buildings, notably the temple and the stables. Can you spot them in the screenshot (see above)? quantumstate updated the technology code (making it much cleaner), among many other bug fixes. He has applied Kingadami's patches for adding an fps counter to the game setup and right click selection removal. leper implemented some patches (by supertesters zoot , mimo and kingadami), stopping formation members from sliding, among many other fixes and small new features. Gen.Kenobi added fireworks! Yes, ... fireworks. But he also got enrolled in medical school, so yay, FIREWORKS! Spahbod fixed some major random map bugs, including the notorious "chicken problem". Doesn't ring a bell? Consider yourself lucky! Yves is working on a javascript debugger. As we are using javascript for many things, this tool will come in very handy. K776 is working on the web-GUI for the debugger. Last but not least we ought to thank Lordgood for his amazing design sketches for the Mauryan Indians. See you in a couple of weeks with the latest development news!
    3 points
  2. This thread is public but only reply to it if you have the skills needed to contribute something useful. Any posts that don't add anything to the thread will be deleted! The game is getting to a point where the speed is really killing us. We need to find ways of speeding up the game, and doing so within the next release or two. Lag causes players to give up and leave. We need to start attracting fans to play regularly. So the point of this thread is to discuss, collect, and action on ways we can actually speed up the game. Found a really slow part of the game? Post where it is and some ideas for improving it. Working on something to speed it up? Post about it an get feedback early. This is now top priority for all developers. Other work can continue, but you should be working together to get the game faster. Communicate, collaborate, contribute.... Here are some ideas/tickets to get things started. Finish developing the new path finder - http://trac.wildfire...com/ticket/1756 The new pathfinder is designed to be faster and give closer results between long range and short range path finding. CCmpRangeManager optimisation - http://trac.wildfire...com/ticket/1707 Implement an Octree - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Octree Rewrite the AI base system in C++ - AI are very slow. From what I understand, several systems are implemented in JS when they would be much faster in C++, e.g. building placement needs to copy data from C++ to JS and then loop over the data. Move as much of the AI system to C++ for speed. If we keep the javascript AI system then a fairly simple improvement is to make the entity collection updates use the heirarchy of entity collections to save significant work. boost::unordered_map is potentially faster than std::map in some situations. This is now serializable so should be very easy to change (it won't even break multiplayer sync because it serializes as a std::map). I don't know if there are any situations currently where this would help though. (Except for CCmpRangeManager, but the proposal in the ticket is better for that). Here are things which could be done but hopefully won't need to be. This is just a list we can come back to near when we release if we still need to improve: Disable the ability to have arrows hit units other than the one they targetted, this would save looking up entities near to the arrows hit location.
    1 point
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