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    • There are in every single rts excepted maybe in some aoe. Cast time in rts where you have some  'magic' involved, delay bombarding a area in moderns and futuristic themed rts...   You could also allow forts to be built 50% faster.  More enjoyable for the one building it, it's no fun to have to wait 1min for it to go up. It's exactly the same reasons why bolts need to take time to set up. They are extremely strong, so they need to give room for counter-action.   I actually didn't expect my comment to have any effect on you pushing it. I'm already playing bolts often and will be one the most advantaged by this modification. This will add (another) archive that I warned you about a change that would be bad and you ignoring it. Please note I mean no disrespect, this situation simply arise from the fact that you less experienced from playing less. I will regret, however, the subsequent patch (community mod 0.26.10?) that would nerf the damage of bolts because of them being too strong when being used as replacement for ranged unit. I prefer their current balance that give them their role as support/artillery unit.
    • Thats not a valid comparison because crossbow units don't deal pass through damage. to be honest -50% would still be pretty long lol
    • Also, healing heroes will be strong again. Maybe a .1/s nerf to heal? Maybe not needed with melee rebalance
    • I recently started to do some translation work for 0 A.D. While I had a high opinion of Transifex before, I quickly realized that it has a major shortcoming: When doing the translations, I noticed that lots of strings which were already translated in the past and do for example show up translated in Alpha 26, wouldn't show up as translated in Transifex. I was quickly able to track that down to https://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/27786, which replaced the regular white space in "0 A.D." with a non-breaking one. While a valueable change, that erased hundreds of translations as Transifex doesn't support fuzzy translations (https://help.transifex.com/en/articles/6220794-gettext-po#h_c820bfaa77). That means whenever somebody changes an untranslated string and be it such a tiny change, the whole translation gets wiped out and the translators don't even get the previous translation shown to adapt it. That's really annoying and results in a lot of unnecessary work. So I was wondering if we should look for an alternative to Transifex which does handle that better. Does somebody have experience with other web-based (preferably Open Source) translation tools? Any other idea how we can mitigate this issue?
    • I was thinking a hotkey for upgrading units/towers would be great. Example applications: hotkeys for siege pack/unpack, scout tower upgrades and carth house upgrades to apartment, weapon switching with immortals, promotion to centurion.
    • Ok I thought about it and I decided not to reconsider. I can't think of an example, at least not in an RTS game. no, damage would do that, also remember that ranged units can currently kill catas and bolts easily. I would argue 5 seconds easily achieves that. Its not like you can't plan their position if they pack faster. So "countering bolts" is just "Oh I see a group of bolts packing up, I guess I will walk away and take no damage." yeah that's really fun and cool, well played. Your last point really highlights their enjoyability (or lack thereof) to play at the moment. @Atrik I don't think you realize how much 10 seconds is. Its literally almost 1 percent of an 18 minute game.
    • Off the top of my head, I think the naval stuff is pretty standalone, so should be fine.
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