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Posts posted by Stan`

  1. 18 hours ago, Itms said:

    The bat files are used in the Windows installer I think, no need to make sh equivalents when we have a .desktop file.

    Shouldn't they be in build/dist/ then ? I don't mind having them here, but it seems unfair considering no other platforms have them.

    18 hours ago, Itms said:


    Please go ahead and make a PR (y)

    Okay will take a look.


    18 hours ago, Itms said:

    Converting to Markdown is a must, but it would indeed be great to deduplicate things that go to the wiki. Instead it would be awesome to have a readme.md which is actually appealing, with screenshots and a user-orientated presentation of the project. I have not worked in that direction but I'd love to see it done.

    Well to be fair it's also duplicated in the code :P


    MD with images would be nice but it could probably clutter a bit the binaries folder

    18 hours ago, Itms said:

    I have already planned to remove svn-related binaries, but I have decided not to remove premake and cxxtestgen. Those are very lightweight binaries, and keeping them really simplifies the Windows build process in the design I am proposing.

    Yeah at some point I went full crazy on it  https://code.wildfiregames.com/D4894

    TBH though I don't know if requiring people to have them in the PATH would be such a stretch. I guess the fact there is no official release of premake doesn't help.

    Also sucks that CXXtest seems to be no longer maintained (https://github.com/CxxTest/cxxtest)...



  2. Another interesting thing that comes to mind for the CI is the tarball for spidermonkey/nvtt/fcollada location, do we prefer having them managed on http://releases.wildfiregames.com/libs/ or hosted on Gitea releases like https://github.com/wraitii/spidermonkey-tarballs/releases/download/${FOLDER}/${FOLDER}.tar.xz

    (Fromhttps://code.wildfiregames.com/source/0ad/browse/ps/trunk/libraries/source/spidermonkey/build.sh$122 )

    EDIT1: The git repo could probably benefit from ignoring the following exe|dll|lib|pdb|zip|exp|ilk|so|a|obj|raw|tar|bz2|gz|xz|suo|bmp|jpg|psd

    obj,raw,bmp,jpg and psd were never supported by the engine and can probably be nuked alltogether from history

    There is also *.thumbs.db which is like dstore (windows miniature cache)


    Any reason we're keeping the bat files ? Shouldn't we provide sh files as well then ?


    Does it make sense to convert the binaries/readme.txt to readme.md ?
    Should it be part of the wiki instead ? Then people would stop making PRs to translate it



  3. 11 hours ago, Itms said:

    For the actual migration, active users will be able to populate their profile, but IMO it would be a bit of a shame to leave all the old members of the community without a face. I'm very happy to see a profile pic associated with janwas or k776 for instance.

    Sounds fair.


    11 hours ago, Itms said:


    It is actually a good thing in my opinion that Gitea doesn't have a PM system. I would be unhappy so see communication even more split between platforms.

    +1 on this. The least media of communication the better. Would really help to have a keycloak or equivalent though so having one account on Gitea means you have a forum account as well that would be the recipient of messages if they need to be private for some reason. Would avoid the my repo got deleted and I don't know why situation. Although a deletion process (Eviction issue creation, two weeks repo deletion could work too)

    Can you send me my Gitea password ?

    Is it possible to keep the actual registration dates if Trac has them ?

    Some accounts may not look legit if they have a very recent date of registration I suppose.



  4. 1 hour ago, Itms said:

    As an admin, I see all repos including private ones.

    Ah good, on Phab it was a bit messy to see all revisions, even the admin user didn't see everything (and had tbh really limited rights for an admin user)


    Did you look into sending e-mails ? I imagine it should be as easy as Phab, but might be worth testing.

    EDIT: Any reason trac user appears as an organization https://gitea.itms.ovh/explore/organizations

    EDIT2: I don't have a strong opinion on it, but the fact Gitea is using gravatar might be suprising to some, IIRC the forum used to do that as well.

  5. 1 hour ago, Itms said:

    The SVN repos are not supposed to be web-visited so maybe not clutter the top bar, however adding the docs is a fantastic idea. I saw the huge progress on that front a couple days ago, congrats!

    Thanks. I'm happy I could get everything to work :)

    There is still too much manual input for JS but at least its there.

    There has been some progress on the doxygen front




    1 hour ago, hyperion said:

    Guess an acceptable compromise. Is there a similar document for trac becoming read-only?

    Irc the goal was to get rid of trac since it gets completely absorbed in gitea. Then we can just make the domain point to the gitea for some time I guess ?

  6. The snap is built on the ubuntu thingy, not on our servers. By the way with the new vulkan shaders, the shader build takes at least 5 hours on the macosCI, and 1 hour on my M1 mac. + the rest of the time +- 2h Since the flatpack is standalone, that's possibly a lot more time to make a release :)

    Trust me, I went for as much automation as I could, and still a release took about 24hours :) + time to make the trailer


    • Thanks 1
  7. 30 minutes ago, Itms said:

    Well I suppose it should happen at the split, not before. Currently this repository is 0ad, since it contains the game assets.

    Possibly, although one might argue since we're breaking everything we might do it now instead of later but that's debatable :)

    By the way did you find a better irc bot than mine, or should I make mine point to your instance, to test the load ?

  8. 17 hours ago, ShadowOfHassen said:

    Looking over what @Stan` said, I think he assumed I meant making it official for the game. That isn't the case. I'm just suggesting WFG take some control over the flatpak like they have the snap, so we don't have the "scary" verified check mark.

    Maybe we disagree on this: for me the moment WFG makes the flatpack official it becomes responsible for it as in all the flatpack issues becomes Trac/Official issues with the inconvenience you know have to check more places. That's why we have tickets for the snap version on Trac.

    Since no one has flatpack experience here that would have fallen on me, or nobody if I didn't care.

    18 hours ago, ShadowOfHassen said:

    "hey people who are currently doing a fine job with maintaining the Flathub, how about we make this official?" And then have them help the dev team maintain it.

    Looks good on paper, but how do you trust them ? I met Osomon IRL (That's not foolproof but it helps). If tomorow they bundle a flatpack with a backdoor, is it their responsibility or ours ? (That's what happened with Steam) I had no idea what version they uploaded (and sure as hell wasn't gonna pay 8€ to figure it out)

  9. 4 minutes ago, Itms said:

    No, I want everyone to be able to keep commenting on open diffs, for instance for posting updates such as "I opened a PR for this diff at the following address..". It is important not to break current work when launching the migration.

    So that means we'll have to keep deleting every single Phabricator spam message manually that are now on commits, diffs and sometimes on personnal profiles while maintaining gitea ?

    5 minutes ago, Itms said:

    No! That's the beauty of it! (yes I'm going to blow my own horn quite a bit in this thread, sorry). Forks do not duplicate LFS storage. So every fork of 0 A.D. only weighs 100MiB.

    21 minutes ago, Stan` said:

    Oh sweet then. 100MB will make it harder to reach the disk size :)

    Also means the repo won't grow weirdly and exponentially like it did for me :)

    7 minutes ago, Itms said:

    Yes, if forks don't count as we seem to have discovered, I'll keep the limit at 0 repos, it's better. I'm more worried about malicious software than forks... (also we need to stop using the word "fork" in that sense if we start using gitea...

    True. I also disliked the fact you could make the diff private on Phab because that's kind of anti open source to me and moreover it broke the bot as well. If you're gonna have private code maybe don't share it at all...

    9 minutes ago, Itms said:

    I saw that but I think you didn't use the correct tools at all. I'll get back to you when I actually start working on this.

    X) Well I did my best.

  10. 11 hours ago, Itms said:

    This should stay up as much as possible. We need to keep all the discussions on patches and commits. TODO: I need to find a (possibly ugly) way to disable the upload of new diffs.

    Maybe you can remove everyone's permissions ?

    @ShadowOfHassen @Itms might correct me here but I don't think it's good to fork 0 A.D. due to its size. Disk space isn't infinite and IMHO it's much better to only have branch. (Last time I checked every fork added 6GB of files...)

    Official repos like the community mod and maybe the lobby can go there but having private things sounds bad. Someone ill intentioned could host an entire fork of the game free of charge on the server.

    @Itms for the CI I had some attempts on my version. It can build stuff and notifiy gitea through api calls but, extracting the correct branch to build was a bit trickier.

  11. 1 hour ago, ShadowOfHassen said:

    Does it cost something for WFG to make a Linux build? Even when people like me volunteer to help? If so, how much? I am certain if you just did flatpak and snap, it would be much cheaper than helping to maintain the 12+ different package repositories for the Linux distros?

    Just so we're on the same page, we have an official snap maintained by @oSoMoN @andy5995 also made a pipeline to build an appimage (I sadly never had the time to port it to jenkins)

    We're in contact with Arch, Debian, Ubuntu, FreeBSD and Fedora for official packages

    The problem is not so the package but the testing. There is a myriad of Linuxes, and none of them behave the same. eg different kernel versions https://feedback.wildfiregames.com/os/

    The moment you take the responsibility to make the package you have to test every distro. Which is why while it's official snap and appimages are still separated for now.


  12. 14 hours ago, Genava55 said:

    This one is okay, I just used the sandboxing feature to be able to put it on the appstore (because that's what other project did), but our license is not compatible, and it's not mandatory. It's also not dependent on anything on the repo. I was waiting for the release to happen to close it.

    12 hours ago, ShadowOfHassen said:

    The issue was with 23.04 which is unsupported by Canonical, so I think we could safely close the issue.

    I'm pretty sure it's a snap issue rather than a distro one.

    The spidermonkey issue is a bit annoying indeed, since it's now extending to macOS

    As to what people can do, playing svn and reporting issues is good enough :) With no dev activity, not much is gonna move.

  13. 12 hours ago, ShadowOfHassen said:

    I'm going to be honest, most of the time the distribution packages can be woefully out of date, and most of the advice I see for new Linux users is to just go with flatpak. Also, snap is only used by canonical, and not a lot of people use it.

    Well we usually work with Fedora, Debian and Ubuntu repositories, but yeah updating packages can sometimes take a month.

    12 hours ago, ShadowOfHassen said:

    Also, snap is only used by canonical, and not a lot of people use it.

    Isn't ubuntu the most used distro, and their default app manager now using snap ? (I may be out of the loop there)

    12 hours ago, ShadowOfHassen said:

    I'm willing to help with testing/ mantaining a flathub repo. If we steal the unofficial one, I think most of the work would be done.

    I'm not able to take decisions on this anymore but this sounds good. Unfortunately testing is not really the issue there, the problem is more whatever kind of virtualization happens in there that breaks graphic drivers and sound ones.

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