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    • @guerringuerrin Idk if that was rhetoric question, but I do think number of units significantly decide dynamics. This is case for Zerg in SC 1... iirc, they would be OP if you could select all of them at once... Idk if how many people complain about that. Btw, about meta: SC 1 meta is still evolving. For example Flash went to army and was away 1-2 years idk. Meanwhile TvP changed and switched to +1 5 Factory instead of fast 3rd. Reason is b/c pro gamers figured out how to use Shuttle+Reaver more efficently and punish greedy Terrans. Flash tried to play old meta, but if I noticed propely he is switching to new one. I like SC1 and I'd like to see more games like that, but problem is that I am not sure that modern players respect that qualities enough so it's not most popular game (at least when we compare viewers on Twitch and other stats). So not everything must be applied to 0AD, but I think it's good to take some elements from that game, especially from AOE 2 which is super popular as I can see on Twitch, even more then AOE III and IV together.  I just throw ideas. Maybe I should stop now, at least until I master 0AD?  
    • I agree with @BeTe that the tactical decisions you have in p2 are somewhat limited and could be expanded. I believe it might be worth considering to add more "half-champion" units like the naked fanatics, that serve the purpose of a trained soldier rather then a citizen soldier, but don't have the equipment requirements (and according metal cost) of an actual champion. Because at the moment, champions represent the pinnacle of soldiery a certain civilization was able to muster, while citizen soldiers are, the way they function in the game, just normal workers you gave a spear or a sword. I believe a unit type between those two makes a lot of sense and could positively impact the tactical elements of the game aswell, as it gives players an option to actually fight a booming player (without running your own gatherers/citizen soldiers across the map and thereby sacrificing your eco) and not just raid them. It would also somewhat negate the booming = turteling problem, as you would have access to stronger units in p2, that can pose a threat to a player that just booms, but can't gather resources themselves. It would also have the side effect that battles might happen sooner with smaller armies, which some people might enjoy  An alternative would be to add normal workers, that can fight notably worse than citizen soldiers, which is basically the same concept of adding a third (or fourth if you count mercenaries) type of unit, but might be easier to implement.  If one were to add workers, they could be produced as fast as citizen soldiers are at the moment, while citizen soldiers get increased build time. That way you wouldn't need to decrease the build time of champions to make them more useful and you would slow down the game overall... (I would welcome a change like that, but I understand that others like how fast 0ad plays)
    • It sounds more frequent than the GC, and it looks like the user can trigger the issue through graphics-related events (seeing details, moving the camera), not simulation-related events, so I don't believe it is related to SpiderMonkey.
    • What kind of computers are you running the game on? The only time I've seen it appear is on a raspberry pi. I believe this is Spidermonkey's garbage collector which unfortunately cannot be disabled. Maybe @Itms might know more.
    • What would be super cool is to have a charge bonus on shock cavalry like the companions but i guess it is also extra code...
    • Hello Community, I have noticed that the multiplayer game keeps jerking. Both when I play alone against bots and when I play against other players in LAN. When moving the field of view over the map or the game figures stop for 1 second and then they move on. It's totally annoying. This is the case on 3 tested computers. Is there a reason for this and can it be turned off?
    • This new form of racism is : Everything not ethnically English should have an accent for more visibility and portrayal. Russians must speak English but with Russian accent, Greeks must speak with Greek accent, French people with French accent, Arabs with Arabian accent etc. etc. Assassin's Creed English voices do that frequently for example. Ghost of Tsushima voice acting is also doing it in English while the actual actor is speaking perfect English with no accent naturally. My mother tongue is French and when I hear English with French accent in video games in odd context, I want to break the jaws of the executives. 
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