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    • Thas in a normal behavor in any pc with this type of games.
    • In Debian Trixie 0ad was removed from the repository because it supposedly does not work correctly with python 3.12. https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1064726 https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/6895 Therefore: https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/0ad ("[2024-04-13] 0ad REMOVED from testing (Debian testing watch)" ) Python is needed to build packages, it is not needed for installation. For example, in Linux Arch, python 3.12 is in the system, but python 3.11.9 is downloaded for compilation. You can look at line 41: https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/packaging/packages/0ad/-/blob/main/.SRCINFO?ref_type=heads On Debian Trixie you can install 0ad by taking packages from sid. You don't need to switch to the sid repository. Three files (packages) are enough: 0ad_0.0.26-5_amd64.deb 0ad-data_0.0.26-1_all.deb 0ad-data-common_0.0.26-1_all.deb Respectively from: https://packages.debian.org/sid/amd64/0ad/download https://packages.debian.org/sid/all/0ad-data/download https://packages.debian.org/sid/all/0ad-data-common/download Of course, we install with the command: # dpkg -i file1 file2 file3 By the way. You have strange additional repositories. Maybe it would be worth reading what FrankenDebian is: https://wiki.debian.org/DontBreakDebian Of course, using the 0ad installation with sid according to the above recipe, we reduce FrankenDebian to a minimum. Regards.
    • Starting today in Flatpak installation: Info: runtime org.freedesktop.Platform branch 22.08 is end-of-life, with reason:    org.freedesktop.Platform 22.08 is no longer receiving fixes and security updates. Please update to a supported runtime version. Info: applications using this runtime:    com.play0ad.zeroad Info: runtime org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default branch 22.08-extra is end-of-life, with reason:    org.freedesktop.Platform 22.08 is no longer receiving fixes and security updates. Please update to a supported runtime version. Info: applications using this extension:    com.play0ad.zeroad Info: runtime org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default branch 22.08 is end-of-life, with reason:    org.freedesktop.Platform 22.08 is no longer receiving fixes and security updates. Please update to a supported runtime version. Info: applications using this extension:    com.play0ad.zeroad Thanks for your great software! Otello from Italy
    • @Genava55 I heard about it yesterday on Deutschlandfunk and also meant to post about it. What I found interesting is A: that finds are skewed because flintstone arrowheads can't be found with metal detectors. And B: they figured from the arrowheads that the group from the south attacked at a bridge, were repelled, fled downstream where they were shot down with northern arrows. Here's the Antiquity article: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/antiquity/article/warriors-from-the-south-arrowheads-from-the-tollense-valley-and-central-europe/C4F6ECB759833BFD337D37ADAE564C4B#article
    • https://phys.org/news/2024-09-archaeologists-southern-army-fought-europe.html  
    • Hi @norjay. I love the idea of having random maps with 'challenging topography'. It seems the generation here mostly make cliffs in circles pattern around the map center. I believe it could be funnier to have them have theses patterns form outwards from the players starting positions instead. This would make fun to try to plan defenses and also be less cumbersome to travel (often mostly empty in early phases) center of the map.
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