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  2. 0 A.D.

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      This is the place to post general stuff concerning the game. Want to express your love for hoplites or find people to play the game with? Want to share your stories about matches you have played or discuss historical connections to the game? These and any other topics which are related to the game, but don't have their own forums belong in this forum.

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    • "Markets build 25% faster, techs from market cost 25% less resources" } "Mercenaries -35% train time, -25% metal."
    • a better civ bonus for carth could be good. Maybe something stone-focused to help with the cost of apartments, temples, and the more expensive stone walls. mm I think the infantry merc train time is pretty substantial, but its true that it really only helps merc civs.
    • No, if you have access to the options, you can just set the renderer to vulkan in the game options, then restart.
    • No hits on "userreport_hwdetect". It is when loading the game.  Select any map / options, click 'start game!', it loads for a few seconds, then crashes. The 161 MB is compressed.   -conf=rendererbackend:vulkan seems to work.  Will this be a permanent requirement?
    • The loss of data sounds a bit weird, although replays and saved games are incompatible between versions. Regarding your crash, does it happen before reaching the main menu or before reaching a game. If it's the later, you could try to switch to the vulkan renderer, and or disable GPU skinning if the former doesn't work.   Your error seems to be with the userreporter, can you check if a userreport_hwdetect was created ?   You could also try to reset your config file by moving it somewhere else. See https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad/wiki/GameDataPaths for where to find it.   If the game doesn't start at all you might try to start it with vulkan with the -conf=rendererbackend:vulkan command line arg.   If you need to upload bigger file, you might consider zipping them    
    • Sorry, crashlog uploaded twice.  Here's the journal log. journal.txt
    • Recently updated to A27 on Manjaro KDE.  Since then games of all types crash on load.  Attaching crashlog and journal log.  Dump is 161+ MB, larger than the 5 MB limit here. Downgrading to 26 didn't work, nor did reinstalling.  I noticed after the original upgrade, A27 acted as if it were a clean install, all the saved files were gone as were all my settings / preferences.   Let me know if you need anything else, where to find it, and how to supply if it is large. crashlog.txt journal.txt
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